I hope Pinterest is my last job.

Pinterest is like window shopping 3.0.

Yes, I'm the real Sammy Sosa, and this is my Pinterest.

Pinterest is awesome. You can get so many wonderful ideas.

Every thoughtful pin on pinterest has beauty. But not everyone can see.

The No. 1 challenge is getting people to understand that Pinterest isn't a social network.

We want the average person to use it and think that it makes the experience of using Pinterest better.

I love Pinterest! Pinterest is absolutely phenomenal when you're trying to come up with a costume design.

We're trying to do something so that when the average person uses Pinterest, it has to make the service better.

I want Pinterest to be human. The Internet's still so abstract... To me, boards are a very human way of looking at the world.

The most habit-forming products are intra-day behaviors. We take out Snapchat or Instagram or Pinterest multiple times a day.

Twitter is worth it if you like tweeting. Same is true of Facebook. Or Pinterest. Nothing wrong with having a social presence.

When Pinterest works well, it helps you find things that are meaningful to you. We want to build a system that helps you do that.

I wanted to create art that fit the Pinterest interior aesthetic, because that is so of the internet age and my platform, my celebrity.

In the Digital Age, recorders also tend to be oversharers, and with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, they can do so on a grand scale.

Companies like Pinterest and Twitter did not become sensations because of Google search but because of the many ways users find out about great sites.

The biggest thing about Pinterest is that people are there saving ideas for their personal lives. Not to rile up other people or make a big statement.

I love the way that girls turn up at our boutiques knowing all the names of the dresses, and that was happening before we launched our brand Pinterest board.

The phenomenon of Instagram poets - who are also, to be fair, Tumblr poets and Pinterest poets - has been one of the more surprising side-effects of the selfie age.

When you open up Pinterest, you should feel like you've walked into a building full of stuff that only you are interested in. Everything should feel handpicked for you.

We need to accept that the commandments of God aren't just a long list of good ideas. They aren't 'life hacks' from an Internet blog or motivational quotes from a Pinterest board.

Create an inspiration board before your trip! If you're like me and love photography, food, and great experiences, chances are you have a Pinterest board filled with travel inspo.

Whether that's from watching shows on HGTV, or magazines, or looking through Pinterest, you really have to have a good idea on what exactly it is that you like and what your style is.

I'm visually stimulated, so I watch TV, movies, even Pinterest. A song could come from something as simple as being words splashed across a billboard or changing everyday turns of phrases.

The whole reason Pinterest exists is to help people discover the things that they love and then go take action on them, and a lot of the things they take action on are tied to commercial intent.

I used to wake up and look at our analytics and think, 'What if yesterday was the last day anyone used Pinterest?' Like, everyone collectively decided, 'We're done!' Over time I got more confidence.

I take the time to understand my generation and what they want. Whether it's on Tumblr, Pinterest, or Twitter, I see what they are re-Vining or re-blogging and incorporate it into my YouTube channel.

If smart phones had been around for women in the 1950s, 'The Feminine Mystique' might never have been written. The depression and ennui of housewives would have been blunted by Pinterest and Facebook.

I'm very visual when I write and get a lot of inspiration from scrolling through Tumblr or Pinterest. I have picture folders to most of the songs I've written. It would be cool to release it as a book one day!

Something like Pinterest would scare the hell out of me. With $5 billion valuation - regardless how sound those numbers are - wouldn't be one that I would start, given what I would consider the risk of failure.

I use Pinterest for everything. Book collections, trips, hobbies. It's all there. I planned my wedding on it. When I had a kid, I planned all his stuff on it. So it was nice to discover that I wasn't the only one.

Pinterest is offering consumers a way to discover things on the web, in a serendipitous way, with a beautiful user interface. So it's offering a whole new paradigm called 'discover' and allowing users to be creative.

I really think that even though Pinterest isn't a lot of people's idea of hard technology, it helps make everyday things a little bit better. And I believe that for most people, everyday things, those are everything.

I have to remind myself when I'm on a job and I'm feeling a lull in attitude or confidence or whatever, I'm there for a reason. I have to constantly remind myself of these almost corny Pinterest mantras, like 'You are worthy.'

It's fantastic to be known as a company that responds quickly to users, shares great resources and friendly banter with them over Twitter, and forges relationships on Pinterest, Facebook, and every other social media site out there.

You can go to Pinterest, and they'll get to know who your friends are, but they don't get to know very much about what you've done in the past. They're starting with little information about you, and they have to do this personalization.

I always describe Facebook and Twitter to some extent as 'them time': it's time about the world and what's outside of you. Pinterest, for a lot of users, is 'me time.' What do I want my future to be? Who am I? What are the things I want to do?

In the beginning, editorial always inspired my beauty looks, but we're living in a primarily digital age, and Instagram is a great source - as is Pinterest - to find brilliant ideas that spark new ideas in me and the talented makeup artists I work with.

So March 2010, we launched Pinterest, and we were at 3,000 accounts. And that wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't started building Pinterest actually in November 2009. And that alone wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't left my job to start a company in May 2008.

I'm one of those people who doesn't understand how it was that I went to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning or what I was doing. Like, I looked at 'Bon Appetit' magazine for three hours for things I'm never going to cook. Or I'm just on Pinterest for no logical reason.

It seems everyone is converging on a simple set of facts: Our lives are digital, and we wish to share our lives. Pinterest came at it through images, artfully curated. Facebook came at it through friends, cunningly organized. Dropbox came to it via files, cleverly clouded.

Pinterest has been helpful to my business. Making inspiration boards is really key to developing products. When I was getting married, I literally cut out tear sheets and put my own boards together. Had I known about Pinterest, I would have been able to do it so much more easily.

I think there are a lot more people that don't use Pinterest in the world than do use it, so for most people, that first experience is really, really important. I think feeling really close and in touch with that first user experience is pretty basic to making it better every day.

One of the most delightful parts of being a writer is connecting with people via social media. I devote ten minutes out of every writing hour to Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other sites. I don't use assistants for that. It's me and all of my friends, fans, readers, and colleagues on the crazyboat.

I think what's happening for me, it's fun to see other things besides Facebook and Twitter take hold. The maturity of Tumblr as a real player is exciting. I think Pinterest has proved to be a major player. It's fun to see Instagram become a major player. It's fun to watch things like SnapChat, and Vine, try to vie to be the next thing.

An awesome thing about starting your own business? There's no one there to tell you what to do! But that, you might quickly discover, is a double-edged sword. If you're not careful, you won't shower for four days straight, and you'll spend half your time researching 'girly, stylish office' on Pinterest instead of getting any real work done.

In the past, you needed extraordinary access in certain markets to communicate your message. Today you can get through to audiences on your own terms. Everybody curates their own program today, and they do it on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. They decide who they want to be their audience and who they want to have access to their platform.

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