Little sins are pioneers of hell.

Pioneering is the work of individuals.

The way of the pioneer is always rough.

America once had the clarity of the pioneer ax.

Pascal Lee is a true pioneer of Mars exploration.

We are pioneers of creating a new genre of metal.

Pioneers get slaughtered, and the settlers prosper.

No man is a man unless to his woman he is a pioneer.

A pioneer destroys things and calls it civilization.

What pioneer ever had chart and a lighthouse to steer by?

We are pioneers and the history of pioneers is not that good.

You can always spot the pioneers by the arrows in their backs.

Unfortunately, pioneers will always pave the way with sacrifices.

I died in my boots like a pioneer With the whole wide sky above me.

In a word I was a pioneer, and therefore had to blaze my own trail.

All pioneers are considered to be afflicted with moonstruck madness.

The eyes are the pioneers that first announce the soft tale of love.

Like the pioneers of old, a creative person breaks new ground daily.

The footsteps of a pioneer become ultimately the highway of a nation.

Making you a pioneer only means one thing. You were around at the time.

It's not always as comfortable blazing the trail as it is walking on it.

Never be a pioneer. It's the early Christian that gets the fattest lion.

Rebels and non-conformists are often the pioneers and designers of change.

Galileo called doubt the father of invention; it is certainly the pioneer.

Pioneers may be picturesque figures, but they are often rather lonely ones.

Pioneers will always get the stones, when everyone later gets the accolades.

America's last pioneers, urban nomads in search of wide open interior spaces

Steve Jobs was a digital pioneer, but when he went home, he listened to vinyl.

On all sides, life is surrounded by hostility. This puts us under an obligation.

I certainly have played women who have a pioneer spirit and longing for adventure.

Water is a pioneer which the settler follows, taking advantage of its improvements.

We must still think of ourselves as pioneers to understand the importance of space.

It is in the Negev that the creativity and pioneer vigor of Israel shall be tested.

One of Alaska's strengths is our pioneer role in environmentally sensitive development.

Italy is not widely thought of as a pioneer of youth culture in the way, say, the UK is.

The American people want and deserve a space program truly worthy of a nation of pioneers.

Where the citizen uses a mere sliver or board, the pioneer uses the whole trunk of a tree.

A pioneer is generally a man who has outlived his credit or fortune in the cultivated parts.

[My muse] feels nostalgic for Japan, and, perhaps strangely, for the pioneer days of America.

Margaret Thatcher was a pioneer, willingly or unwillingly, for the role of women in politics.

The true pioneer of civilization is not the newspaper, not religion, not the railroad - but whiskey!

My wife and I drove across America following the Oregon Trail, which the pioneers once passed along.

As early pioneers in the knowing, that when you lose your reason, you attain highest perfect knowing.

There is an orientalism in the most restless pioneer, and the farthest west is but the farthest east.

I may be the old-media id, but I think I may be entitled to some credit for being a new-media pioneer.

I love the pioneers like Sam Cooke and Otis Redding, but when I write music, it comes out in my own way.

We like to pioneer, we like to explore, we like to go down dark alleys and see what's on the other side.

My understanding is that Kansas, Massachusetts, they've been more pioneers on the special education side.

Woman must be the pioneer in this turning inward for strength. In a sense, she has always been the pioneer.

On every side, and at every hour of the day, we came up against the relentless limitations of pioneer life.

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