I say peace begins on your plate.

Change your plate. Change your fate.

Writing has been handed to me on a plate.

Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate.

A lot of boxers have too much on their plate.

He sliced the ball when he had it on a plate.

You can tell the history of people on a plate.

I have a plate on my neck. I had my neck fused.

His smile is like the silver plate on a coffin.

Everyone is going to have to step up to the plate.

My parents have never given me anything on a plate.

He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious.

I have an eight-inch plate in my shoulder with eight screws.

Freedom, respect and prosperity are never served on a plate.

Sandwiches are wonderful. You don't need a spoon or a plate!

God gets you to the plate, but once your there your on your own.

I try to be as quiet as I can at the plate, but still aggressive.

You have to step up to the plate, and then hit one out of the park.

If someone offers me a hot plate of Penne Arrabiata, fageddaboutit.

I never think I work hard enough, as much things I have on my plate.

Hitting is business. With two strikes you really protect that plate.

The reader really has to step up to the plate and read a short story.

Know how to behave at a buffet. Take a clean plate for a second helping.

We can take these things for granted, when we have everything on a plate.

He stopped everything behind the plate and hit everything in front of it.

If you've ever made change in the offering plate, you might be a redneck.

I have a metal plate in my head, and can pop my shoulder and pop it back.

Even when I eat, I'll eat my salad first and sort of work around the plate.

I wouldn't know how to handle serenity if somebody handed it to me on a plate.

For me, food is about generosity, and this should reflect on the plate as well.

When you get in this profession, you want the coaches to put more on your plate.

Fatherhood is an honor, and men should be strong enough to step up to the plate.

My idea of heaven used to be relaxing at home with a cheese plate and champagne.

You learn yourself, as a player, what you can handle at the plate, what you can't.

I'm not Yadier Molina behind the plate, but I can throw a ball to second on a rope.

Whenever you're playing on the pitch, you have to step up to the plate and perform.

My last meal on Earth? The obvious answer is a plate of my mother's scrambled eggs.

I can't cook, but I have a nice book of menus... and I can plate and set the table.

If a stolen base is there based on a pitcher's time to the plate, then steal a bag.

My license plate I did get registered, and it is S-I-T-C-H... so that's pretty cool.

I really concentrate on what's on my plate at the moment and do the very best I can.

I was in a fever to get out from behind the plate. Oh boy, I was terrible back there.

Cooking is about imbibing different cultures and putting them in a plate on the table.

Employee fathers need to step up to the plate and put their family needs on the table.

People say I stole a lot of bases. I stole the bases for a reason. I crossed the plate.

Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don't move.

Sometimes I've looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn't look better as a hat.

Joe Torre would tell you to make sure you can hit the ball on the outside part of the plate.

You have to take care of yourself so you can manage the workload of a very, very full plate.

Who cares if a carrot has a slight bend? They're all the same when they end up on the plate.

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