I want to play basketball so bad.

I feel I was born to play basketball.

No, I don't get nervous when I play basketball.

I'm pretty athletic and I play basketball a lot.

I either run or try to play basketball every day.

My childhood dream was to play basketball, actually.

I think God put me on this earth to play basketball.

Our job is to play basketball, not worry about trades.

I don't think nobody's doubting I can play basketball.

I hoop - I play basketball. I'm challenging any rapper.

It's hard to play basketball when nothing is inside of you.

I thought it was destiny that I was going to play basketball.

I felt like I was chosen to play basketball when I was younger.

I wake up every day doing what I love to do. I love to play basketball.

I play basketball probably four to five days a week when I'm back home.

My dad used to play basketball, now he gets to see me in the NBA Finals.

I absolutely loved basketball. All I ever wanted to do was play basketball.

That's why I play basketball. To play a lot of minutes, and to help my team win.

As a kid, my favorite subject was recess. Why? Because I could go play basketball.

I came to the Bay Area not just to play basketball but to explore business interests.

You need to possess more than a little nastiness to play basketball at the highest level.

Be a player; don't play yourself. And don't play basketball. That's not your sport, Jeb Bush.

The only reason I went to college was to play basketball. I injured my knee and couldn't play.

I play basketball because I like it, but the most important thing I want to do is help my family.

I want my son to never know the mommy who would rather watch him play basketball than play with him.

I can play basketball, run track, and play volleyball, so yeah, I've always been an athlete at heart.

Anytime you play basketball and your backs are to the wall, you have to come out and play aggressive.

I play basketball, I surf and swim and go to the cinema and listen to music and read. I like shopping.

I want everyone to know: You can play basketball in Canada and you can still get to where you need to go.

I play basketball on Sundays and I'm a very spiritual guy; I read a lot of Eastern philosophy and I meditate.

Men from my tribe in Sudan - the Dinka tribe - are very tall, so you could say I was born to play basketball.

I dreamed about being Michael Jordan, Michael Jordan being my dad at some points, or him helping me play basketball.

I feel like part of the reason I play basketball so much is it just feels good. In the summer I play every single day.

I just go out there and play basketball. I'm not worried about missing. I just got to be thinking about the next shot.

For example, Michael Jordan earns $100million a year but continues to play basketball and remains a modest human being.

I think we're all pros. If we go out there and just play basketball the right way, everything is gonna work itself out.

I like to play basketball. Sometimes if someone takes that away from you, you've got to get in your feelings for a reason.

I love to play basketball, but I haven't played in awhile. But if I could get back on the court and play, I definitely would.

I'm an athlete. I play basketball and football and all that with a bunch of other men, but that doesn't impact me emotionally.

I used to ski. I still play basketball a little bit. I'll play soccer but more in a safe environment, never on a full-grass pitch.

When I watch kids play basketball, they don't know how to think the game. They know what it should look like, but they don't know why.

I might go my whole life stealing money. I got paid to play basketball, which is a scam. I get paid to watch basketball, which is a scam.

I play basketball for love and money, and they come in interchangeable order, depending on how things are going when you ask the question.

I don't have to go through life being mean or having a stern face just to play basketball. I enjoy the game and play it how I like to play it.

I play basketball all the time. Me and my band play every week on the road. That's something that I've never really given up since high school.

There are only so many hours you can sit on the bus and watch TV or play basketball or whatever we do to pass the time before we go out onstage.

Prince never, ever mentioned it except to say he wished he was taller so he could play basketball. He was actually a really great basketball player.

I play basketball to win a championship. That championship is everything to me. And that's what gets people to buy in to your brand - being a winner.

My dream is to be able to play basketball, and if I can go out there and do it, run up and down, and come off the court again healthy, that's goal one.

I was never really a model. That somehow is in my bio. The whole thing is I was tall since I was a child - you're either a model or you play basketball.

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