A grievance is most poignant when almost redressed.

The disasters of war can be infinitely eerie and poignant.

Deep poignant pathos can be described better in dark humour.

I love Stephen Fry. His tweets are witty, poignant, and intelligent.

I think one of the most poignant things is unrequited love and loneliness.

Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply.

Anything written in the French Revolution, that kind of era, is so poignant.

'Baskets' is incredible - 'Baskets' is so funny and poignant and sad and dark.

There are few sorrows, however poignant, in which a good income is of no avail.

Failure is life at it's most poignant and it's only there to push you in the right direction.

Beauty is at its most poignant when the cold hand of Death holds poised to wither it imminently.

The social scene at the Harvard I knew was outside the rules of literature. It was less poignant.

The song 'Some Other Time...' is full of emotion. In wartime, it had a tremendously poignant feeling.

There is something very poignant about plastic bags. These lonely plastic bags that gradually disintegrate.

I only photograph myself at poignant moments in my life as a check of where I am and how large my thighs are.

Black History Month is a poignant time for the entire country, but particularly the African American community.

Any work that is born out of natural serendipity or reverts to simpler times is poignant for people - in any era.

Nobody wants to be depressed - everybody's trying to feel better; when they strive and fail, it's all the more poignant.

I find it amusing on one level, poignant on another, when people try to get recognition from an outside source. It's sad.

The events of the Civil War are so odd, ferocious, and poignant that fictional characters do well simply to inhabit them.

'Sairat' is such a consuming movie, so I was stuck into its story. It has such a poignant end that I was quite moved by it.

An 'Ordinary Woman' is the beautiful and achingly poignant portrait of Gwen, a complex and troubled woman in her middle years.

Everything about 'Hugo' to me is poignant, from the broken orphan to the old man losing his past to the fragility of film itself.

It's fun singing with other people who are really good singers. There's something kind of poignant about braiding a couple vocals.

You constantly have to take inventory, not get on someone else's agenda. You want to write something that's poignant and moves people.

I just love the days when you come out of the archives with half a dozen excellent descriptions or poignant accounts of personal experiences.

I think it's poignant and powerful, this idea that if someone knows your name, they have the ability to kind of hail you and make demands upon you.

For me, music is about expressing the inexpressible, and as I get older, man, what I feel the need to express becomes less and less poignant to others.

A picture can express a universal humanism, or simply reveal a delicate and poignant truth by exposing a slice of life that might otherwise pass unnoticed.

One thing that I have noticed is that whatever be the function, however poignant or serious, the audience always prefers a speech laced with a bit of humor.

I want music to move me, and I don't think it can do that without at least a link to tonality. It's the tug between atonal and tonal which makes music poignant.

Only the artists interest me whose hearts beat in unison with the poignant misery of the world. If you have not felt that, you have not lived. Pity is essential.

The love you have for your kids is so overwhelmingly powerful that it alters your perspective. The dark things going on in the world become very poignant and vivid.

Astonishingly powerful and poignant, 'Gravity' is the rarest of rares: a space survival film informed by a genuine reverence for the awe-inspiring cosmos we inhabit.

He wants to live on through something-and in his case, his masterpiece is his son. all of us want that, and it gets more poignant as we get more anonymous in this world.

Memoir is a difficult literary form to pull off when dealing with discrete and poignant moments in a life, even harder when seeking to narrate over 80 years of existence.

I have always believed that cinema is one of the greatest instruments of positive social change. Stories can be light, engaging and poignant, but they need to say something.

There is a natural rhythm to parent-child interactions, including the fact that some parental insights prove poignant and veridical decades after they were first shared with us.

Poetry, I think, intensifies the reader's experience. If it's a humorous facet of the story, poetry makes it more exuberant. If it's a sad facet, poetry can make it more poignant.

Iggy Pop is legendary - he is awesome - and I am a massive Bruce Springsteen fan. His song 'Cautious Man' is my favourite song. It's really poignant, dark, and moody, like myself.

What I really like is an intelligent review. It doesn't have to be positive. A review that has some kind of insight, and sometimes people say something that's startling or is so poignant.

Songs are great. I love songs. I sing them in the shower sometimes. They can be poignant or cheery or angry, and they can have catchy and satisfying melodies. There's nothing wrong with songs.

No one but John Oliver is going to be able to figure out the code of making a 20-minute monologue on futures, securities, and currency speculation interesting, funny, and poignant politically.

The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center serves as a poignant reminder of our past and a trusted source of education for schoolchildren, community members, and visitors from across the country.

Christopher Hitchens's autobiography, 'Hitch 22', is a poignant read and very interesting because I have a very poor knowledge of recent political history - or, for that matter, distant political history.

It was, when I read it, I thought, such a beautiful script. I loved the story. I thought it was well handled. I thought it was even more moving because it was a true story and that made it even more poignant.

As a pastor, you get invited into the most poignant moments of people's lives. Whether it's a wedding or a funeral or a hospital visit, you get invited into the center of the event, whether or not you know the people.

I think the most important thing journalism taught me is to mine for details. The details are key. You can't try to be funny or strange or poignant; you have to let the details be funny or strange or poignant for you.

I'm at an age where crying is easier for me now. I like it. I can cry at a poignant commercial; I can cry at a - this is a running joke in my house, but... a good 'Star-Spangled Banner' can make me cry. I'm not kidding.

'Callister' is feature-length, and it's one of the coolest things I've ever been asked to be a part of. It's poignant and moving and thrilling. If this was one movie, it would be an accomplishment, and they make six of them.

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