If you have a problem, the NYPD is the greatest police force to the world.

The police force cannot be completely independent of the executive government.

It is obvious that the RUC is no longer accepted as an impartial police force.

I quit working in the police force full time only after I won my third Mr. Olympia.

A police force, wherever they are, is made up of amazing people, and I respect them a great deal.

The power to prevent violence is a power that no police force seems to have anywhere in the United States.

I just - I come from a very little town where the militarization of the police force is a very real issue.

My mum was a child minder, but now she fosters. My dad was in the police force, and now he's a private detective.

Fascists, Antifa attacked me, and an all-black police force in Philadelphia, and they claim to be fighting racism.

To insure the adoration of a theorem for any length of time, faith is not enough, a police force is needed as well.

What my parents taught me was that the hallmark of a thriving democracy was an effective and respectful police force.

My family was poor. My father was in the police force and was drawing a small salary. Because of that I could not study.

In essence, Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Act would set up a national police force, over the long-dead bodies of the founders.

It used to be that a fellow went on the police force when everything else failed, but today he goes in the advertising game.

The government's only functions are to protect the rights of the individual; therefore, you need a police force and an army.

Britain's police force is institutionally racist. This was the judgement of the 1999 Macpherson report, and it remains the case.

A militarized police force facing down innocent protesters with sniper rifles and machine guns is totally unacceptable in America.

The men and women that I've worked with on the police force are some of the most honest, heroic, and pure human beings I've ever met.

When the acting all dries up, I won't be going there - either to the police force or to the church. I'll have to think of something else!

I completely disagree with the idea of eliminating ICE. We should not eliminate ICE: it's like saying we should eliminate the police force.

During the Umbrella Movement, the police force wasn't in control, and the police ignored the law and tried to use extreme force to hurt people.

I wanted to be in the police force, a teacher, a judge, lawyer, doctor, and other jobs. Of course, my mind changed as I started to face reality.

We watch so many TV shows and movies about jaded or corrupt policemen, we forget people join the police force to do good, and they really care about that.

Democratic government is difficult. It is much more difficult than populists claim. It's not like running a business or a police force. It demands compromise.

The job of training an Iraqi police force is one of the most important tasks being undertaken in Operation Iraqi Freedom. It is also one of the most difficult.

The military has been tremendously important in the past during catastrophes and in protecting the population. But it shouldn't become an auxiliary police force.

In New York City we have the biggest police force in the country. We have 35,000 uniformed officers. We're able to mass officers in significant numbers if we had to.

The Marine Corps is the Navy's police force and as long as I am President that is what it will remain. They have a propaganda machine that is almost equal to Stalin's.

People call us heroes, but we are nothing compared to our police force and fire fighters and everybody who protects us and makes sure our freedom is held to the highest standard.

A lot of young policemen have told me that they saw 'Singam' and joined the police force because of that. Some tell me they saw the training process and want to be a cop like that.

Learning about crime in great detail forces us to ask ourselves how it happened, how the victims and perpetrators got to that point, how the law works, how the police force functions.

We need a strong police force - the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Chechnya. We have to get rid of the traitors who have managed to penetrate into the law-enforcement department.

You have to accept that Batman is a fact of life in Gotham City, and on top of that, you have to accept that somehow this city manages to function with a police force that's 90% corrupt.

I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.

When we were talking about this, an idea for this master vigilante, it was an urban guerilla. One of my ideas was that he would be a member of the police force who turned on the government.

Nevertheless, I do know that we are part of a danger zone, we have military operations in Afghanistan and we're training the Iraqi police force. The terrorists also have us in their sights.

My two sisters were always cooking. I wanted to be in the police force, but I didn't get in because I just so happened to procrastinate a bit, and I hadn't gotten my application in at the right time.

Let's dig deep to build the kind of police force that our fatherland really deserves. We need a revolution of the police force here in Venezuela, and I will carry it out without delay, without excuses.

I went to Ferguson and walked with the demonstrators and saw this heavily armed police force, tactical units pointing sniper rifles at my constituents who were there exercising their constitutional rights.

My father became the technical advisor for 'The Desert Fox,' with James Mason as Rommel. They wanted an Aussie who had been in North Africa with the English, and found my father on the Pasadena police force.

When my dad first started out in the police force, wearing the uniform was a sense of pride, and it was respected in the community for what the police force was all about. Unfortunately today, the uniform is a target.

I've heard it said that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. To that end, I think it's worth noting that the very first police force in America was created as a 'patrol' to keep slave populations under control.

I've been learning about defunding our investment in police force mentality, and reinvesting in, what do young people need? What do people who get involved in drugs need, what do families need outside of money to take care of their families?

Michael Brown's tragic death has revealed a deep distrust between some in the Ferguson community and its police force. It also developed a need to develop and widely disseminate law enforcement best practices for responding to public demonstrations.

In the police force, two, three, five traitors are detected who are really working for someone else. When we cleanse the police of them, the problem will be simplified a lot. Terrorists will have no one to contact - they will be left without informers.

The attractive idea that we can now have a parliament of man with authority to control the conduct of nations by legislation or an international police force with power to enforce national conformity to rules of right conduct is a counsel of perfection.

The fact is that my mother is a cop and generally kids of cops are a little different from their parents - they tend to be quiet. In my case, I was never interested in joining the police force, because right from my childhood I have seen the challenges in a cop's life.

A decent government with an effective, but not gratuitously violent, police force and a fair court system are essential. This deters and incapacitates psychopaths, bullies and hotheads - and if it earns the confidence of the people, they don't have to become violent in self-defence.

The police force has repeatedly demonstrated an inability and unwillingness to carry out its fundamental mandate: to serve and protect the people of Hong Kong. It has been reduced to a mere instrument of repression subservient to the political agenda of Beijing's regime in Hong Kong.

I joined the police force with one motivation in mind: to become a high school PE teacher. After a year of working, I realized that a) I was making twice as much money as I would in the teaching profession, and b) I was having too much fun. I stuck it out for 32 years and no regrets.

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