I love my pop music.

I don't like pop music.

Pop music has progressed.

I was raised on pop music.

I love pop music. Who doesn't?

Pop music will never be low brow.

Pop music I have always loved best.

I do love brash pop music. It's fun.

Pop music doesn't challenge anything.

Pop music is what touches me the most.

I consider the Stooges to be pop music.

I love pop music, I love country music.

Pop music should be about young people.

I think a lot of pop music is escapist.

What's missing from pop music is danger.

Disco is just pop music you can dance to.

People don't expect me to make pop music.

If I can sing along to it, it's pop music.

I am totally unapologetic about pop music.

Die Antwoord is super pop. It's a pop music.

Pop music is not a threatening style of music.

Pop music is aspirin and the blues are vitamins.

Dr. Dre's '2001' album changed modern pop music.

I've always been drawn to ambiguity in pop music.

I tend to score with songs from Western pop music.

I have an unabashed adoration of cheesy pop music.

I wasn't into pop music, even at a really young age.

I love pop music, but I don't want to be Celine Dion.

I love pop music, and I love when music is accessible.

Pop music for introverts is an idea I wanted to explore.

Pop music is awesome, but I like to keep changing it up.

The only thing that exists to me is commercial pop music.

I love pop music. It's not easy to write a good pop song.

I do listen to Abba. And a lot of '80s and '90s pop music.

I have a borderline-embarrassing obsession with pop music.

Originally I'm a big pop-music aficionado, that's my love.

I think pop music is a great place to get new ideas across.

Some of the best pop music ever has come out of the States.

I seriously hate pop music and all things super-commercial.

Pop music, I think there's a reason why kids connect to it.

I love pop music. I've tried to always be honest about that.

I think '80s pop music subconsciously informs what I'm doing.

Pop music for me was definitely escapist, but never studious.

My goal really was to make pop music feel as human as possible.

I didn't have to be friends with people who were into pop music.

A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.

I'm trying to break down preconceptions about what pop music is.

The lines have definitely blurred between country and pop music.

The part of modern pop music I don't know much about is hip hop.

I do love great pop music, The Hollies had brilliant pop records.

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