Consummated science is positively humble.

Unfortunately, not all stories end positively.

I’d rather just think of everything positively.

I take criticism very positively if it's genuine.

Always engage yourself positively with situations.

Talk politics, talk about study and talk positively.

Doing anything with dedication impacts life positively.

I'm not the type of person to live in fear. I think positively.

I'm positively enthusiastic about American surveillance policies.

People react positively when things are clear and understandable.

A billionaire is someone who can positively impact a billion lives.

Acheron. When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight.

The more you shine, the more positively people start looking at you.

Control your inner dialogue. Talk to yourself positively all the time.

I take criticism positively, and I keep trying to develop as an actor.

There are not enough people out talking about the President positively.

I have started seeing a psychologist to try to help me think positively.

Be sure you positively identify your target before you pull the trigger.

Wherever I go, the people respond positively to me; they give me respect.

help that is not positively necessary is a hindrance to a growing organism.

However you can affect somebody positively is what you should aspire to do.

World history is shaped both positively and negatively by people who judge.

Changing someone else's life positively changes yours for the better as well.

Talk to anyone about himself positively and he'll listen without interruption.

A unicorn is a community that's positively impacted the lives of a billion people.

Alexia,” she hissed to her friend, “there are knees positively everywhere. What do I do?

Readers regularly ask what can go wrong but almost never what could positively surprise.

Speaking positively about our bodies is as essential as the physical activity we engage in.

I'm compared to my dad all the time, and I've learned to take it positively by working hard.

If I can positively affect the team, then it also works for myself. That's really my mindset.

We want to build this sport all over the world and it absolutely, positively works in the U.K.

Intellectually, now, I believe that it is a complete vanity to say positively there is no God.

Criticism is natural; it's just that you have to deal with it positively and use it to improve.

Before you can change your industry positively, you need to understand how to go about doing so.

I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father's life.

If we choose to see things positively and trust in God, he will fulfill his purpose in our lives.

I have a tendency to campaign positively and campaign on issues, not try to tear someone else down.

There is hardly a man on earth who will take advice unless he is certain that it is positively bad.

When you live positively it is impossible to not also be living for something greater than yourself.

I'm hoping to make the kind of difference in my lifetime that allows me to be remembered positively.

Landing the role of Stephen Hawking was the most positively surprising thing that has happened to me.

It's a better boost to my ego that people are commenting positively on my appearance than negatively.

Actors really are the scum of the earth. Their behavior makes overpaid rock stars look positively noble.

In my life, the strongest evidence of any fandom is 'Sherlock' - 'Hobbit' fans are positively restrained.

Cheap jewelery should never be worn unless it happens to be something that you positively know suits you.

The worst thing you can do as a performer is to judge your character in any way, positively or negatively.

I believe that thinking positively and envisioning the best possible outcome can add to your achievements.

America's entire homeland security enterprise positively invites questions even as it strives to reassure.

We hope that our music does not stop at giving joy to the listeners but also change their lives positively.

I fundamentally believe that people have a genuine desire to be positively engaged in the world around them.

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