I'm a huge poster collector.

I'm in a rut deep enough to hang posters.

I'm the poster boy for Propecia. It's amazing.

I never want to be the poster guy. It's not me.

All three of my kids grew up seeing me on posters.

My room used to be full of Michael Jackson posters.

My brother and I had Henrik Larsson posters everywhere.

I've always liked vintage posters of California beaches.

Even Christian—the poster child for "smartass"—looked grim.

Sometimes I have chosen to see films just by their posters.

Never had any idols, ever. I never had any posters, nothing.

When I was just 13 years old, I even painted cinema posters.

I had 45 Avril Lavigne posters. Those were my first posters.

People either make things or they don't. Inspiration is a poster.

I miss the newness of Magic Eye posters, which really are amazing.

If Kitchener was not a great man, he was, at least, a great poster.

I've been a printmaker and designed objects. I've done 500 posters.

I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place

I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place.

I had 'Star Wars' figures and G.I. Joes and Transformers and all the posters.

I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be on posters. I want to be good.

In our school, there were lots of bands putting up posters saying 'Come to our gigs'.

I write back to all the soldiers who write to me and send them posters and calendars.

I often stand by the merchandise booth, point to a poster and tell people, 'That's me.'

One of the fans had a poster that said, 'I'm a Peeta-file. That was probably the best one.

When I think of sex symbols, I think of posters my two sisters had on their bedroom walls.

I have made on occasion posters and things like that for political reasons but not my work.

I remember Nazi election propaganda posters showing a hateful Jewish face with crooked nose.

I love the big scale and immediate impact of posters. They're my favourite things to design.

It's cool to go to a place that has posters up and it's one night only. It feels more special.

I didn't ask anyone to make me a poster boy, because poster boys always end up on dart boards.

In my Bengali films, I am involved with all the promotional activities, release date posters etc.

Once that Gauntlet is on, as the poster of Doctor Strange says, "the impossibilities are endless."

If there's a poster boy for the fact that all essays are written through personae, it's Crèvecoeur.

George Gervin was my childhood idol since I was little. In Oakland I had all his posters on my wall.

I grew up obsessively collecting Queen T-shirts and concert posters and rare U.K. imports of their CDs.

I don't think I had a Catherine Bach poster, but I know a lot of my friends desecrated those, big time.

Everybody had posters in their room; everybody had the four symbols of Zeppelin on the wall and all that.

I used to spend a lot of time cutting out film posters from papers and putting them up on the wall in my room.

I'm really into acquiring film paraphernalia - that's my hobby. I love old movie posters, cameras and film reels.

I'm a poster child for feminism whether I like it or not, but I was resistant to the part of me that was a woman.

None of my friends are big posters - we're old school. We text, phone and meet up and have a beer or have a curry.

Basically, the big studios and companies distributing your movie just take a big cut of profit for making posters.

I always drew. I was, you know, the school artist. I was the person who made the posters for the prom. That's who I was.

There are plenty of good Indian writers in English, and none of us feel we are carrying the burden of being a poster boy.

I never had posters on my wall and when I meet actors that I really admire, it's exciting because I get to work with them.

Whether it be tour posters, album packaging, videos, stage design, etc., the visual aspect of music is very important to us.

The epiphany for me was that I wasnt a writer, and I had to do something with these texts. I put them in the streets as posters.

The epiphany for me was that I wasn't a writer, and I had to do something with these texts. I put them in the streets as posters.

Growing up, I lived in a house without art: no picture books on the shelves, no visits to museums, no posters on the bedroom wall.

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