Posture for combat is so vital.

Our posture NOW defines our portion later!

A drink this good deserves one's best posture.

On my own, I have very bad posture; I'm clunky.

Freedom in a posture is when every joint is active.

A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.

Good posture and an attitude let you get away with anything.

Nothing true can be said about God from a posture of defense.

Posture has such a big impact on the way people perceive you.

Public postures have the configuration of private derangement.

Fortunately, good posture - like poor posture - is habit forming.

To mourn, perhaps, is simply to prolong a posture of astonishment.

To adopt the posture of the hero is the most unheroic of all acts.

The Russians don't make determinations about what our defense posture is.

I have a very balanced posture about the political situation in my country.

Unless some misfortune has made it impossible, everyone can have good posture.

When you sit down to paint or draw, you form yourself into a posture of praise

What is it that distinguishes man from animals? It is not his upright posture.

It is not the body's posture, but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray.

I had a really bad running posture: like, I ran, literally, dropping on my face.

Don't teach too many postures; just the main ones, and hold them for a long time.

The difference between towering and cowering is totally a matter of inner posture.

People tend to lean on cardio machine handles, and their posture begins to suffer.

My mother taught me everything I know; how to speak properly, posture, enunciation.

Be mild and firm. Apply your best exertions to put us in a proper posture of defense.

We need to transform our military forces by focusing on force posture, not force structure.

Shoes define how you walk in the world and how you stand: like, what is your posture in life?

Anybody cannot be a dancer. A dancer must have a certain posture, gestures, height, behaviour.

We try, we fail, we posture, we aspire, we pontificate - and then we age, shrink, die, and vanish.

Many Americans, we know, are horrified by the posture of their government but seem to be helpless.

I don't mind wearing a corset, it informs your posture, changes the way you move, you can't slouch.

There's something undeniable about the posture of a person trying not to acknowledge your existance

Sin is not an unfortunate slip or a regrettable act; it is a posture of defiance against a holy God.

When the biceps become too strong, it brings the shoulders forward and makes for a gorilla-like posture.

When I stay athletic with good posture and get the club away in a good position, I get through it better.

Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control.

The most important thing is posture: when you get old, it's the way you walk, the way you stand, that shows it.

If I feel confident wearing something, I think it translates in photographs. It changes my demeanor and posture.

I want to get old gracefully. I want to have good posture, I want to be healthy and be an example to my children.

The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It's about using posture to understand and transform yourself.

When a woman puts up her fists to a man she is putting herself in the only posture in which he is not afraid of her.

Pilates is amazing, my posture is so much better and I'm even starting to get muscles on my tummy - it's incredible.

Boys, young men, men of all ages are being captivated by the new visual grammar which pushes men to pout and posture.

We always think that the right thing is to make an effort to have domestic coaches. I don't think that posture is bad.

A simple scoop-neck leotard highlights a ballerina's swanlike neck and elegant posture, both rooted in a powerful core.

There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees.

I honestly think I've gotten taller since I started doing Pilates. And my posture is totally different - no more slouching!

We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect.

The costume affects your posture, affects your walk, how you hold yourself, and how you breathe. The costumes make you deliver.

A statesman who keeps his ear permanently glued to the ground will have neither elegance of posture nor flexibility of movement.

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