In praising Antony I have dispraised Caesar.

Try praising your wife, even if it does frighten her at first.

This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long.

Praising the Lord and passing the ammunition are mutually exclusive ideas.

Americans knock themselves out, especially since 9/11, praising the military.

The cost of praising someone is nil - but every psychological study shows the payoff is huge.

We need people out talking about the President, explaining, agreeing with and praising his actions.

Today they're praising you sky high, place you on a pedestal and tomorrow they don't want to know you.

I acknowledge my feeling and gratitude for life by praising the world and whoever made all these things.

If we want to raise the aspirations of young men, we should be praising their achievements, not talking them down.

The advantage of doing one's praising for oneself is that one can lay it on so thick and exactly in the right places.

A day spent praising the earth and lamenting man's pollutionist history makes you feel like a superior, sensitive soul.

Whether the angels play only Bach praising God, I am not quite sure. I am sure, however, that en famille they play Mozart.

The nature of how we are as human beings is that we're much more interested in being critical rather than praising something.

Teachers started recognizing me and praising me for being smart in science and that made me want to be even smarter in science!

To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. Nothing is often a good thing to say, and always a clever thing to say.

By singing the Guru's hymns, I, the minstrel spread the Lord's glory. Nanak, by praising the True Name, I have obtained the perfect Lord.

A woman should be seen by the luminosity of her grace and not heard shooting her mouth away about praising herself which is so not lady-like.

DuBois - my intellectual hero - had written an obit of Madam, praising her... I began to see Madam Walker beyond the definitions others had given her.

Don't ask me how it feels to be a superstar's wife. It doesn't feel anything different. I can't keep on praising him all the time. That would be so boring.

It may be that when the angels go about their task praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart.

From the very first, my countrymen have followed my literary career, now criticizing, now praising my work, but hardly ever letting a single word be buried in indifference.

I like the monastic life... in the prayer and the praising... this has charged me with new energy, spiritual energy. This is very important for my ministry outside the monastery.

Those who want to 'drain the swamp,' should be praising Mueller for enforcing FARA violations and, in return, prompting more lobbyists to register as foreign agents when required.

The John McCain tactic of praising Obama as a great American and great senator 'with whom I disagree' is a loser. You've got to call him out as what he is - a fraud and a disaster.

I just happen to know how to hit a baseball and throw a baseball. But I probably couldn't go into somebody else's job and be as good as they are but no one's praising them about it.

In praising science, it does not follow that we must adopt the very poor philosophies which scientific men have constructed. In philosophy they have much more to learn than to teach.

It's disgusting that a Broadway show can't try out anymore, that no matter where they are in the world, there is this massive dialogue going on between people damning or praising it.

I saw how the regulation I called for made things worse, didn't help consumers and simple competition was better. And I started praising business and occasionally criticizing regulation.

You work with some people, you see a spark in them and you can't help praising them. But everyone has their own destiny. No one can make anyone. Who reaches where and when, is all written.

The thing about praising beauty is that good looks are an unforgiving task- master, a Forth Bridge of a maintenance job. The passing years present their accounts. Younger models become available.

Half the time, people will be abusing me on Twitter, and half the time, somebody will be praising me. So either it will go to my head, or I will take it to my heart. So better I stay away from it.

Political pandering comes in all shapes and sizes, but every four years the presidential primary bring us in contact with its purest form - praising ethanol subsidies amid the corn fields of Iowa.

Baseball is a tongue-tied kid from Georgia growing up to be an announcer and praising the Lord for showing him the way to Cooperstown. This is a game for America. Still a game for America, this baseball!

A French Republican is a Republican who beats up on conservatives and is constantly praising the Democrats and contributing to the massive spending in this country while they go home and pretend otherwise.

Anyone leaving the Congress' camp and joining - or even indirectly praising - the BJP-led NDA coalition immediately stands the risk of losing this Congress-issued certificate of secularism. It is a travesty!

I think that's a struggle of every Christian, to be able to get to that point where they're in constant prayer with God - so that everything they do, in thought, in speech, in work, is praising God and worshipping God.

We rent one in three tuxedos in the U.S. and Canada, and if we make a mistake, our employees will deliver to the customer's home, office, or wedding. We get a couple hundred letters a week praising the service in our stores.

I was on the field praising quarterback Dan Fouts during a ceremony to retire his number. Boos began shaking the stadium. It was a moment of misery like I'd never experienced before. Afterward, dejection hung over me for days.

I tend to bristle at people praising alt comics as some kind of perfect comics paradigm, because there's quite a lot of misogyny in its history as well. Like, in my first comics class, every single great comic creator we studied was male.

For a lot of people, becoming an author is a change in occupation... they are coming from something that totally has nothing to do with this. If they are expecting to come into a room full of people praising them, then they are in the wrong place.

Prolonged, indiscriminate reviewing of books is a quite exceptionally thankless, irritating and exhausting job. It not only involves praising trash but constantly inventing reactions towards books about which one has no spontaneous feeling whatever.

Virtually every one of the most far-right neocon Bush officials - including Dick Cheney himself - has spent years now praising Obama for continuing their terrorism policies which Obama the Senator and Presidential Candidate once so harshly denounced.

Both Conservative and Labour politicians in Britain are rather too fond of praising the relative 'classlessness' of American society and of urging their own people to emulate it. There is a certain falseness about such arguments, and also a certain hypocrisy.

It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it; consequently, the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.

A short, glorious life in service of a greater good - say, the life of the Spartans at Thermopylae, or the pilots in the Battle of Britain, of whom Winston Churchill said 'Never have so many owed so much to so few,' - that is worth praising. But for glory alone? I think not.

Unfortunately, the real achievements of children on the ground became debased and devalued because Labor education secretaries sounded like Soviet commissars praising the tractor production figures when we know that those exams were not the rock-solid measures of achievement that children deserve.

It's about people rising up in Ferguson and in Egypt and in Occupy Wall Street and in every place where a community has had enough and decides to make change happen. It's not about praising one charismatic leader but celebrating thousands of them... 'Black Messiah' is not one man. It's a feeling that, collectively, we are all that leader.

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