Love is the supreme unifying principle of life.

What gets me excited is the original principle.

Principles are what people have instead of God.

I think that Bible principles will help anybody.

Principles are sometimes an unaffordable luxury.

Obey the principles without being bound by them.

We love your adherence to democratic principles.

All universal moral principles are idle fancies.

Custom is the principle magistrate of man's life.

I'm pretty well grounded in Christian principles.

You cannot compromise principles to achieve unity

God is not a person. God is an eternal principle.

I've governed from a consistent set of principles

The first thing a principle does is kill somebody

Gambling is a principle inherent in human nature.

I think Bible principles are principles for life.

Principle I: Legal rights are presumptive rights.

Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.

Always stand on principle even if you stand alone.

Luck implies an absolute absence of any principle.

Man tends to treat all his opinions as principles.

I am a strong believer in the principle of growth.

Free trade is not a principle, it is an expedient.

Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.

Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle.

I am skeptical in principle, gullible in practice.

I have loved the principle of beauty in all things.

GOP represents people, but Dems communicate better.

Politics is a war of causes; a joust of principles.

No legal plunder: This is the principle of justice.

I don't believe in principle, but I do in interest.

Principles are a dangerous form of social dynamite.

When you are in love' hypocrisy won over principle.

The principle of realism means denial of the ideal.

Great principles, great ideals know no nationality.

We in the West should stand by our core principles.

The Pearl Principle - no inner irritation, no pearl.

We ought to be respecting the principle of equality.

emotion is first of all and in principle an accident

I believe in the principles of the Republican Party.

I try to live by the principles the Bible speaks on.

Adherence to men, is often disloyalty to principles.

Alleviation of suffering is my fundamental principle.

I understand the principles of dissent in parliament.

I judge people by their own principles..not by my own

Quality is my principle and qualified is my attitude.

If our principles are right, why should we be cowards?

Love and the search for truth are unifying principles.

The principles always work if you work the principles.

Love is the only principle which makes life tolerable.

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