To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of ...

To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.

I am a lawyer by profession.

Acting is only my profession.

Music isn't only a profession.

Writing is a lonely profession.

Obedience is a hard profession.

Farming is a profession of hope

My main profession is architect.

Acting is a youthful profession.

My art and profession is to live.

Living is a hazardous profession.

Let passion drive your profession.

Law is a very addictive profession.

Every life is a profession of faith.

A man can be a hero in any profession

My profession has helped me to grow up.

Being a musician is a noble profession.

Acting, is not a profession for adults.

Nothing lasts forever in my profession.

Cant is the parrot talk of a profession.

Being a child is in itself a profession.

Stand-up comedy is a raunchy profession.

I feel like I'm in the right profession.

In any profession it gets to be a grind.

Acting is the perfect idiot's profession.

All the learn'd are cowards by profession.

Politics, I love. It's a noble profession.

Acting is the loneliest profession I know.

My profession is called record production.

All professions are... filled with demands.

What I do on film is part of my profession.

I had turned my anxiety into my profession.

I never thought of politics as a profession.

I think [teacher] is the noblest profession.

Human nature is the same in all professions.

Preaching is not a profession, it’s a passion

Cinema is a passion for me, not a profession.

My profession is I'm a dissident philosopher.

Stardom isn't a profession, it's an accident.

Cooks are an undervalued, awesome profession.

To be a poet is a condition, not a profession.

Singing is my profession - there is no plan B.

My profession is to always find God in nature.

Journalism is not a profession, but a mission.

So I'm in quite the wrong profession obviously.

In limited professions there's boundless theft.

Writing is not a profession, it's an addiction.

Im my profession you have to mystify the enemy.

I do not like football. It is just my profession.

Writing is a crummy profession, but a good hobby.

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