I draw a line between my personal and professional life.

The prize seemed to change my professional life very little.

I enjoy the work, I enjoy every minute of my professional life.

Planned Parenthood is a very important part of my professional life.

I have drawn a clear line between my personal and professional life.

I don't have any shame about the way I conducted my professional life.

In my professional life, someone I really look up to is Kathleen Finch.

I was in constant demand, in my professional life and my personal life.

My professional life in Hollywood has been filled with joy and laughter.

I try to keep my professional life and my actual kid social life separate.

Delhi has played a pivotal role in my both personal and professional life.

My professional life has nothing to do with my personal life and vice versa.

My professional life has nothing to do with my personal life and vice versa.

I have dedicated my entire professional life to the United States of America.

'The News Quiz' is one of the things I am proudest of in my professional life.

I am of Virginia and all my professional life I have studied of Lee and Jackson

Steppenwolf has always been at the center of everything in my professional life.

I have never let my personal life and choices interfere with my professional life.

There is no facet of my professional life that doesn't require or request improvisation.

I think it's better not to mix professional life and personal life - although it is hard.

Passion should meet your professional life, and I'm a living, breathing testament to that.

I believe that your personal life does not have anything to do with your professional life.

I'm one of those people who just doesn't plan my personal life. I plan my professional life.

I've been able to chart out my professional life. But I can never chart out my personal one.

The absolute low point for me in more than 30 years of professional life was the Brexit vote.

I don't like to mix my personal and professional life. Both are different, and I don't mix it.

My politics are private, but many of my feminist politics cross over into my professional life.

To have success in your professional life is not so hard. To succeed as a man is more difficult.

I had to get out of America to get a professional life going where I could actually make a living

I had to get out of America to get a professional life going where I could actually make a living.

The fact that a woman is attached to her professional life should not prevent her from being a mother.

Mumbai is like Manhattan. There's a certain pace, a social life and the thrill of a professional life.

As an actress, I get plenty of drama in my professional life. When I'm at home, I want a peaceful life.

Juggling too many things can disturb the balance and throw your personal or professional life off track.

Being your own person and standing for what you believe is a critical aspect of a good professional life.

I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life, and I make it a point not to dwell on my mistakes

I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life, and I make it a point not to dwell on my mistakes.

It is to the Riddle of the Sphinx that I have devoted fifty years of professional life as an anthropologist.

I have tried to be as eclectic as I possibly can with my professional life, and so far it's been pretty fun.

Football is a great way for me to catch up with my sons, and to let off some steam from my professional life.

I wish over the years I had kept my private life private and my professional life a little more professional.

My professional life has been about public service. My personal life I define very intently through my family.

Dance gives me a lot of confidence and helps me overcome all my insecurities in personal and professional life.

The word career is a divisive word. It's a word that divides the normal life from business or professional life.

In the balance of my professional life, I've had the privilege of the working as a practicing lawyer and teacher.

I want to separate my professional life from my personal life. I want to live a normal life and be a normal mother.

My whole professional life has been dedicated to improving access, affordability, quality and choice of health care.

I'm a very lucky man in this chapter of my professional life, 'cause I get to do jobs with wildly different skill sets.

I don't hope for anything. Not only in my professional life, but in my family life also. My total lifestyle is like that.

I never believed - or knew for sure - if I would be able to make a professional life in music. But it turned out that way.

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