All of my businesses are profitable.

You cannot be a secret and be profitable.

Whatever is beautiful is also profitable.

Our first fiscal year, we were profitable.

Never lie when the truth is more profitable.

Knowledge of the investment is most profitable

Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.

I built a huge profitable business with no debt.

If honor were profitable, everybody would be honorable.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about being profitable.

It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.

Wherever your travels may take you, I hope it's profitable.

This land may be profitable to those that will adventure it.

Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty.

Discipline is rarely enjoyable, but almost always profitable.

Sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable.

Liverpool will be the most profitable investment I've ever made.

If it can be profitable to be green, that's just smart business.

News may not be very profitable anymore, but it sure is popular.

Eliminating what is not wanted or needed is profitable in itself.

Society cares for the individual only so far as he is profitable.

Knopf is solidly profitable, and that is how I intend to keep it.

No book can be so good, as to be profitable when negligently read.

Almost every ride we're profitable on. We make money on every ride.

It's much more profitable to sell investing advice than to follow it.

Nothing would be more profitable to us than a right history of mankind.

A lie with a purpose is one of the worst kind, and the most profitable.

I admire Arsenal very much, and part of that is that they are profitable.

It is respectable to have no illusions, and safe, and profitable and dull.

You can choose to be very profitable very quickly if you don't want to grow.

Business 2.0 was hugely profitable last year, and will be profitable this year.

Knowin' all about baseball is just about as profitable as bein' a good whittler.

The one knowing what is profitable, and not the man knowing many things, is wise.

Playing the game, and unfortunately, playing the gangster game is very profitable.

We'll continue to take the right actions to make sure we're a profitable business.

So actually war is politically profitable, financially profitable, morally depraved.

What's immediately profitable is the only kind of logic that capitalism understands.

As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.

My thing is to have a good, profitable company, for it to be 100% owned independently.

It's the most righteous, which of course is not the same thing as the most profitable.

When the price of a drug rises, it becomes profitable and the target of new competition.

It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.

I hope to make movies that are so small they don't need to make anything to be profitable.

It is more important to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable.

If my businesses or my investments are not profitable, then I don't eat. And I like to eat.

If a company is profitable, the founder is in control. If it's not, investors are in control.

Among politicians the esteem of religion is profitable; the principles of it are troublesome.

Betting against entrepreneurs who are changing the world has never been a profitable endeavor.

In 2014, Blackstone was the most profitable money manager in the world. I did not anticipate that.

A vigorous and profitable drug industry is not a problem to be solved but a goal to be encouraged.

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