You look like a protagonist.

I think I like reluctant protagonists.

My protagonists, male and female, are me.

You don't need to like your protagonists.

Protagonists traditionally are active characters.

But protagonists are protagonists and heroes are heroes.

I'm interested in flawed protagonists. I was raised on them.

People always want to identify a writer with their protagonist.

It is the objective of the protagonist that keeps us in our seats.

As long as the protagonist wants something, the audience will want something.

We can't help identifying with the protagonist. It's coded in our movie-going DNA.

I tend to always love material with flawed protagonists and morally ambiguous people.

Once a newspaper touches a story, the facts are lost forever, even to the protagonists.

I think women have every right to feel like they're the protagonists in their own stories.

In the past, I'll admit, I've enjoyed being compared to the protagonists in my screenplays.

Nobody is ever just a straight up protagonist or antagonist - everybody's morally ambiguous.

That's what protagonists do. They work hard, they have a conflict, they overcome the obstacles.

Make the audience wonder what's going on by putting them in the same position as the protagonist.

I politely refuse to be part of movies where I have to do sister or sister-in-law to protagonists.

Characters stretching their legs in some calm haven generally don't make for interesting protagonists.

It's not just about casting female protagonists. It's gotta be across the board throughout the industry.

I try to have something in common with my protagonists, especially when I'm writing in the first person.

Most traditional ghost stories feature rather hapless protagonists, who have nasty things happen to them.

In the history of enterprise, most of the protagonists of major new products and companies began their education

In 'Nier Automata', the protagonists are androids, not humans, and that's very common in a Science Fiction story.

The studios aren't lining up to make films about black protagonists, black people being autonomous and independent.

'NRT' is a comedy film, which has the extreme of emotions with Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara as the protagonists.

It is a commonplace that the League of Nations is not yet-what its most enthusiastic protagonists intended it to be.

I think that 'Room 104' offered us an organic opportunity to tell all kinds of stories with all kinds of protagonists.

We only see female protagonists who are likeable, with one cute flaw, such as adorable clumsiness. I'm fed up with it.

Out of 10 projects I get sent, seven or eight are female protagonists, and that's not the only thing I'm interested in.

The beauty of Sudhir's protagonists is that they are not shown as black and white. There are various layers to the characters.

With the crime novels, its delightful to have protagonists I can revisit in book after book. Its like having a fictitious family.

With the crime novels, it's delightful to have protagonists I can revisit in book after book. It's like having a fictitious family.

The nature of the universe probably depends heavily on who is the actual protagonist. Lately I've been suspecting it's one of my cats.

Women need to tell their stories from their experiences, and that may not mean that it would be all stories with women as protagonists.

You have to go out of your way as a suspense novelist to find situations where the protagonists are somewhat helpless and in real danger.

Having been raised by actors who love moral ambiguity and flawed protagonists, I feel like it's sort of in the blood to want to take it on.

I believe that when Fifa hands out an award, it should not be a marketing prize that solely honours the protagonists of a media-crazy sport.

I'm always drawn to female stories with female protagonists, and I particularly yearn for more older actresses to take centre stage in 2018.

My protagonists have problems that a new pair of shoes won't solve. Retail therapy is not a bad thing, but it's not going to fix their lives.

It was great to essentially have two protagonists where you're sympathies could go back and forth between the two of them, throughout the season.

I loved films of the '70s with those antihero protagonists who you don't know if you can get behind because their behavior is really questionable.

Over time, it's occurred to me that my protagonists all originate in some aspect of myself that I find myself questioning or feeling uncomfortable about.

Though the inspiration for my songs almost always comes from things that are happening around me, I am definitely not always the protagonist in the songs.

Hungry for both fantasy and inspiration, readers crave protagonists who, after overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, triumph at the end of the day.

Women are never the protagonists; we're always reactionary against everything that's done to us. I like people who write for women that have got a bit more about them.

I've always read broadly: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, chick lit, historical, dystopian, nonfiction, memoir. I've even read Westerns. I prefer female protagonists.

For me, the banner that I want to wave in terms of giving a jump start to writers of any gender is just to make female protagonists as complex as their male counterparts.

In today's time, when there is so much competition, they must not only focus on the characters of antagonists or protagonists, it is better for them to be good actors first.

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