We rise by lifting others.

Public service is my motto.

I am drawn to public service.

I believe in public services.

I was born into public service.

I am a freeman and jolly as a beggar.

I have had a career in public service.

I have a lifelong devotion to public service.

There is no higher religion than human service.

I've found my sweet spot here in public service.

The public service is not a serial child-snatcher

I'm just a citizen temporarily in public service.

I certainly feel a strong call of public service.

My whole life has been dedicated to public service.

Stopping bad things is a significant public service.

I was raised in a family dedicated to public service.

I'm not in a position to go back into public service.

If you don't like public service, don't run for office.

Public service is a core value for people of my generation.

We need the best and the brightest to go into public service.

There's never been a sense of public service about Donald Trump.

I have always been very open about my respect for public service.

I feel like I have had the most amazing life in my public service.

I am a woman with a calling for social struggle and public service.

Everyone should think seriously about public service at some point.

It's been a great honor for me to spend my career in public service.

I've dedicated my life in public service to defeating climate change.

All I know is, I think I would like to continue to do public service.

But as I always say to people I'm essentially a public service person.

I grew up to believe in public service. It is in the core of who I am.

I've never ruled out the possibility of going back into public service.

My plans were to practice law and then possibly go into public service.

I come from a family in which public service was something to aspire to.

I'm very goal-oriented. I do see myself doing something in public service.

Public service has allowed me to put values my parents taught me into action.

If I had to work a 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. job in the public service, I'd freak out.

I value public service and I'm relatively good at organizing political causes.

Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is doing a public service.

I was an entrepreneur myself and often say that I'm on loan to public service.

I started out in public service in 1998 after the Asian financial crisis of '97.

Public service is a part of who I am, having grown up in a family of politicians.

Being an entertainer, especially in times like these, is really a public service.

Smears are not only to be expected but fought. Honor is to be earned, not bought.

Health care, whether I like it or not, is at the foundation of my public service.

I think I've been very, very lucky in my life, and I do believe in public service.

I'm not in public service, nor do I ever plan to be, but I give back in my own way.

Disinterested public service has become, just so... what's the phrase, 'old school.'

I think that Americans are very grateful to the Bush family for their public service.

I learned that public service is a privilege that must be based on moral foundations.

Money is not a measure of a man's character or success in the arena of public service.

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