I can take a punch.

I punch left-handed.

I don't write punch lines.

I'm not afraid to take a punch.

When I throw a punch, I mean it.

Son, never throw a punch at a redwood.

I don't ever want to be a punch drunk.

I can really punch. Everyone knows that.

It's very unusual for me to take a punch.

'Sucker Punch' is a big girl power movie.

That's boxing - one punch can win a fight.

I now know in myself not to punch lockers.

I can punch, I'm heavy-handed, and I can box.

Some fighters have a great punch; others don't.

I really don't punch with my left hand anyways.

I want to punch everything and fight the world.

I was a tough kid. I don't punch people anymore.

You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it.

I have the kind of face that people want to punch.

I know I only need one punch to knock any guy out.

Punch me in the face, I'll punch you twice as hard.

My voice gon' stick out like a turd in a punch bowl.

'Sucker Punch' was so demanding, it scared me a bit.

Fathers should start teaching the boys how to punch.

For a million-dollar cheque I would punch Jake Paul.

The whole key to a fight is throwing the first punch.

I kick and punch quite hard, and it surprises people.

A Portuguese is not going to punch you for no reason.

When a bully pulls your hair, you punch him in the face.

Your weight has to be behind the punch to make it matter.

I'd rather somebody punch me in the face than drop my sax.

My entire career, everybody says I need to punch somebody.

Do this rubber guard stuff and I'll punch you in the nose.

The knock-out punch is always the one you never see coming.

I don't ever want to have a job where I just punch a clock.

Whenever I go on a show with a comedian I just counter punch.

I want Britain to punch its weight in the European Community.

I used to collect computer punch cards from the data centers.

I'm small but quite tough. When incensed, I can swing a punch.

I can box, I can bang, I can switch, I can punch, I'm not slow.

You would have to go really crazy on me before I throw a punch.

I'm used to throwing my body around. I'm used to taking a punch.

Boxing is serious. It's not a game. Just one punch - change life.

We've never tried to be anybody else but Five Finger Death Punch.

I can still run in a straight line, and I can still throw a punch.

I showed that I can fight without boxing, that I can take a punch.

One tires of combat, although I can still throw a punch, you know.

Even the basics of learning how to throw a good punch is very hard.

My older brother used to punch me all the time because I was a nerd.

If somebody tells you to lose weight, it is like a punch in the face.

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