Many good purposes lie in the churchyard.

For all intents and purposes, I'm a woman.

Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.

I'm into music for all different sorts of purposes.

For all practical purposes I left home when I was 7.

Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purposes of God.

I got five kids - I claim three for income tax purposes.

My mom, for all intents and purposes, was a single parent.

I am an instrument of purposes that I don't fully understand.

I used to just do movies for alimony purposes, between plays.

Why harass with eternal purposes a mind to weak to grasp them?

Emotions serve characters' purposes. That is their motivation.

A hero holds purposes appropriate to man and is, therefore, a thinker.

One of the purposes of coming to WWE was to wrestle with Daniel Bryan.

For our purposes as human beings, the mind is the center of everything.

I think some people ramp a side of themselves up for performance purposes.

People have used my views for purposes which are very different from mine.

God will use us for his purposes, but it takes a certain kind of listening.

Rounding to the nearest cent is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes.

I know that I often take risks, but it is always for the purposes of the team.

The use of data for political purposes wasn't invented by Cambridge Analytica.

I don't think we should view corporations as people for the purposes of speech.

The red-letter days, now become, to all intents and purposes, dead-letter days.

If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.

I have a personal Twitter for band purposes, but I don't use social media a lot.

This is one of the major purposes of soul and jazz music; to state what you feel.

I do own a unicycle, which I use for workout purposes as opposed to doing tricks.

Life does more than adapt to the Earth. It changes the Earth to its own purposes.

America, North and South, is a choice land, a land reserved for God's own purposes.

Unfortunately, religion, like patriotism, is easy to misuse for political purposes.

I would like my celebrity to serve charity purposes, and to help people less well off.

The EU should have consolidated its different presences and purposes in Kosovo earlier.

I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience.

The ultimate creative capacity of the brain may be, for all practical purposes, infinite.

I'm just beginning to direct. For all intents and purposes, this is the first time for me.

Even for practical purposes theory generally turns out the most important thing in the end.

Music is intended and designed for sentient beings that have hopes and purposes and emotions.

The reader becomes God, for all textual purposes. I see your eyes glazing over, so I'll hush.

Myth and mythology often serve constructive and aspirational purposes. But they also do harm.

I mean, I tend to do my own thing, and that usually crosses purposes with everyone around me.

I hope that, in the future, data is used to empower people and not just for marketing purposes.

Quicksilver is used for many purposes; without it, neither silver nor brass can be properly gilt.

Every program has two purposes: The one for which it was written and another for which it wasn't.

In the name of noble purposes men have committed unspeakable acts of cruelty against one another.

For charity purposes, how do I help? A lot of prospective levers and tools have come into my life.

If anyone has an MiLB franchise they're looking to gift for tax purposes, I'll take it! Not picky.

Everybody tries to take a tragedy and turn it to their own political purposes, and it's both sides.

As president, Trump's economic proposals will bend our very economy and tax system to his purposes.

My reputation is too important to put it aside for purposes of some friendship. We have a job to do.

We have to find our own purposes in life, which are not derived directly from our scientific history.

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