If your immature, I'm out the door.

Welfare mothers make better lovers.

If it's good they'll stop making it.

Quality tends to fan out like waves.

The quality of mercy is not strained

Quality, not quantity, is my measure.

Come give us a taste of your quality.

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

You learn a lot from quality players.

Quality is everyone's responsibility.

Don't document bad code - rewrite it.

There is only one boss. The customer.

Quality isn't a thing. It is an event.

Wiles and deceit are female qualities.

Beauty is less important than quality.

The male quality is the creative gift.

Intuition is a strong feminine quality.

Nothing endures but personal qualities.

We deserve quality lives with equality.

I think his deepest quality is empathy.

Popularity is not a gurantee of quality.

Grammar has qualities, shapes and forms.

The most universal quality is diversity.

Kindness is a highly underrated quality.

Quality questions create a quality life.

Obsess about the quality of the product.

Artists must be sacrificed to their art.

I admire the brazen qualities in people.

Love is not a higher quality than truth.

Seek Not Every Quality In One Individual.

In digital, you can maintain the quality.

Quality is easy to talk but hard to make.

Passion is a quality I admire in a woman.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

We all have the defects of our qualities.

Quality has to be caused, not controlled.

Hey motor cycle mama, you gonna marry me?

The emphasis should be on why we do a job.

I care about my quality of life and money.

The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth.

Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.

Popularity is not an indication of quality.

Make the workmanship surpass the materials.

Judge not by the number, but by the weight.

Simply be the qualities you seek in others.

We never love a person, but only qualities.

Be honest to your work and do quality work.

Etiquette has no regard for moral qualities.

Physical qualities don't really matter much.

High-quality food is better for your health.

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