Truly, spiritual courage is on the endangered character-quality list.

The main quality a great third base coach must have is a fast runner.

Look deeply. Don't miss the inherent quality and value of everything.

The quality of your life is the quality of where you live emotionally

The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.

The most important quality any piece of writing can have is doneness.

The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our action.

The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.

In everything that can be called art there is a quality of redemption.

Model the qualities that you want your children to show to each other.

Quality and a great product matters, in startups, and in accelerators.

Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.

The qualities we have, make us so ridiculous as those which we affect.

I'll try to record the spiritual quality of the things that strike me.

Being at a very high quality level was the only way for us to survive.

If God created everything, he's got a serious quality control problem.

My best quality is that I am persistent. My worst is that I am no fun.

Understanding variation is the key to success in quality and business.

I think I'm maintaining the quality, but internally I'm paying for it.

If we do not know who the customer is, we do not know what quality is.

Love has the quality of informing almost everything - even one's work.

Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

Discipline is the quality that carries over from gymnastics to acting.

Feminine intuition, a quality perhaps even rarer in women than in men.

I do have a tendency to invest inanimate objects with human qualities.

You're always against the clock. But really just fighting for quality.

Intelligence is almost useless to the person whose only quality it is.

You're a hundred percent correct about our show being tops in quality.

I want to put elements from movies into TV to raise the quality of TV.

There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.

When a man is no longer anxious to do better than well, he is done for.

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.

People of quality know everything without ever having learned anything.

The quality of your commitments will determine the course of your life.

Every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education.

A dangerous quality, if real; and a not less dangerous one, if feigned.

Most men, like plants, possess hidden qualities which chance discovers.

The quantity of civilization is measured by the quality of imagination.

The quality of your life is a function of who you go through life with.

See's candy company was the first high-quality business we ever bought.

Flexibility in a time of great change is a vital quality of leadership.

If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.

An intention is a quality of consciousness that you bring to an action.

If you don't know who your customer is, you don't know what quality is.

Patience and foresight are the two most important qualities in business

Whatever I do, I hope it's quality, I hope it's something that's class.

Exercising with a trainer makes my quality of life go through the roof.

The flattery is nice, but awards don't add up to writing quality songs.

It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty.

Seek the insignificant small but essential qualities, essential to life

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