I quit karate originally because it wasn't something that I was initially passionate about.

How do I relax? Meditate, I guess. I quit golf. You twist your back and get all cranked up.

The reason I'm a Nixonite is because of his indestructibility and resilience. He never quit.

Maybe I'll quit after my time at Bayern; maybe I will play somewhere else for one more year.

I work every day 100 percent, but I assure you that I'll quit if my players don't follow me.

In difficult times, we're not supposed to quit believing; we're not supposed to quit growing.

When I quit all these things and said I didn't have any time, I meant I didn't have any time.

If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.

It can be a daunting prospect for any player to know that his opponent will never, ever quit.

From Mahesh Babu and Prabhas to Varun Tej, I played their friend, yet I never wanted to quit.

I didn't finish high school. I tried to as an adult, but with all this touring, I had to quit.

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.

The day I feel like I'm at an office job is the day I'll quit performing in front of a camera.

If you don't quit, and don't cheat, and don't run home when trouble arrives, you can only win.

The way I look at it, you've got to quit your TV series before they'll consider you in movies.

That's always the time to quit - when you have nothing to say as an artist and creative person.

Whatever I do in life, my parents always taught me to focus on that, and they never let me quit.

I don't want to quit smoking. I am convinced that if I quit smoking, the world would go to hell.

When the 'Fight Club' movie was going into production, I quit my job so I could write full-time.

I started playing when I was 10 for Milan, and I quit when I was 41, so it's a long, long career.

I don't know what it is in me that refuses to quit, but I think it's kind of like, dare to dream.

I believe that refusing to quit and refusing to fail will trump talent and brilliance in the end.

I am not a person to quit. If something needs harder work then I will put my head down and do it.

Since I quit banking, all my major life decisions, when they could, have revolved around writing.

I quit south Indian films because I was bored. The fans in south India were also quite demanding.

After 'Four Feathers,' I quit then because I just lost faith. I didn't like how the business was.

My friends and family were also in tears with my decision to quit as they all loved me in Bidaai.'

I wanted to quit acting and as soon as I decided that, the call for 'Velvet Buzzsaw' came through.

I was playing with the Aquabats, and then I quit to join a band called Suicide Machine in Detroit.

I never want to quit playing ball. They'll have to cut this uniform off of me to get me out of it.

I sacrificed for the Dallas Cowboys when most quit. I put in overtime to try to help young players.

Fear has nothing to do with cowardice. A fellow is only yellow when he lets his fear make him quit.

Most scientific revelations happened after the pursuit of knowledge quit being secret and hermetic.

I actually got the part. And I thought, Well, I'll do it for a while. I'll just quit if it's stupid.

I live by honor. I live by integrity. I live by 'never quit.' It's not a cool T-shirt phrase for me.

Literally, I think I've quit acting three or four times, only for a few days. Maybe for a few weeks.

As an actress, there were so many months, years even, when I didn't get work, when I wanted to quit.

I've always had service-industry jobs, because those were the easiest to quit or take time off from.

When I was seven years old I played the flute, then by 11 I quit being a musician and got into Djing.

When I start doing movies, that'll be the time to pack Vine in. Quit when you're on top. Be the king.

I have decided to quit as I.P.L. Chairman. It is a decision which I was pondering over for some time.

I think what Donald Trump needs to do is quit. I think he needs to stop being the Republican nominee.

If you've never quit anything, you really ought to try. And if at first you don't succeed, try again.

I had piano lessons when I was younger, but I quit because I didn't want to sit and learn the scales.

I quit my job just to quit. I didn't quit my job to write fiction. I just didn't want to work anymore.

One reason I quit doing interviews after years and years and years was because I was making things up.

Take everything easy and quit dreaming and brooding and you will be well guarded from a thousand evils.

I quit high school to be a pro skateboarder out of Ohio, which is just asinine, but it was meant to be.

It doesn't matter how close I am with someone - I want to beat them so bad that they want to quit golf.

Failure has never been a signal for me to quit; it's always been a sign for me to go down another path.

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