My goal was never to get re-elected.

I don't think Obama will get re-elected.

I'm not taking votes based on getting re-elected.

I don't care about getting re-elected; I care about saving the country.

I don't need to make political gestures or take steps to get re-elected.

I certainly don't need a job. Getting re-elected is not on my Top 10 list.

I think no one has ever been re-elected with unemployment over 7.6 percent.

I think I was identified as a failed president because I wasn't re-elected.

I am hoping very much to get re-elected but it is going to be a tough fight.

What is the use of being elected or re-elected, unless you stand for something?

The fundamental goal of Republicans and Democrats is to get themselves re-elected.

In order to get re-elected, Obama told us Al Qaeda was on the run and all but defeated.

If you think too much about being re-elected, it is very difficult to be worth re-electing.

Any time a president is re-elected, he has a little more political clout to get things done.

I'm a can-do conservative, and I just love the job, and I think I'm going to get re-elected.

Any politician who's ever been re-elected knows that friends come and go; enemies accumulate.

Legislators are interested in their pet projects, getting re-elected, and popularity contests.

I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years, 'cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected.

I came into office to do what was correct, not to see what was politically expedient to get re-elected.

Too many politicians are so worried about getting re-elected that they fear taking an unpopular position. I don't.

A lot of people are in politics to make friends, too, instead of making positive change. They're worried about getting re-elected.

We need an honest politician in charge who doesn't care whether they are re-elected and is prepared to make the unpopular decisions.

You see, the problem with Dave Cameron is that people know who he is. The less people know about him, the more he's likely to get re-elected.

Nixon's full term was one of the most successful in U.S. history, which is why he was re-elected by the largest plurality in the country's history.

If I cannot address the issue of visible homelessness and abject poverty on the streets of this community, I will not get re-elected in four years.

I've not been a decisively re-elected city councilor and top vote-getter three times because I haven't done the work and because I don't work hard.

I don't like the establishment. I like the diversity of knowledge, and I'm going to use all that I can to help get President Trump re-elected again in 2020.

Fairness has not been enhanced by the tax code, but lobbyists have been made rich, politicians have been re-elected, and the economy has been made to suffer.

I had just as much support from Republicans as I did Democrats when I ran for president. But I should have organized the Democratic Party to get me re-elected.

I think what we can do is make sure as conservatives that we elect good people to both the House, the Senate, and make sure that President Trump gets re-elected.

In America, politicians do whatever to get re-elected, and a lot of decisions that were being made at that time by Kennedy were certain not to get him re-elected.

Mr. President, I believe your real problem is that you have somehow been unable to realize that you have won, not only won, but been re-elected by a tremendous margin.

I think a lot of people start out full of idealism and fresh ideas. And then a lot of times, being re-elected becomes more important than staying true to your principles.

I think any good government will target on the finishing date, that is, the polling day and make sure that their strategy is strong and in place to get them successfully re-elected.

After two years of fighting, government shutdowns and little to no agreement on anything except welfare reform in 1996, President Clinton was re-elected and decided it was time for compromise.

When you first come into Parliament, it's a daunting place because you feel you've so much to learn. Once you've been re-elected, you feel much more confident. It just gives you a bit of a boost.

If Paul Ryan is re-elected, if he's sent back to Congress, he will push for the biggest amnesty in this country's history; and immediately after his re-election, he will push Obama's jailbreak crime agenda.

I suppose politicians have always wanted to get re-elected, but there's a kind of a feeling now that if you just discredit your opposition, it makes it easier for you to win. I don't think that's necessarily true.

I think politics is a reason why a lot of stuff doesn't get done. There's a lot of favors, and a lot of people are held back by their intentions of being re-elected or the things that they owe their party or constituents.

If you look at what these politicians do when they speak, most of the time they are trying to convey a tone... if I make all these points and move my hands this way, I can get re-elected. When in reality, they aren't saying anything.

If President Obama is re-elected, he will continue to spend more money than we take in and to expand a debt that's already on the verge of being unsalvageable. That's a future that should frighten every American, no matter what their generation.

If Ralph Nader runs, President Bush is going to be re-elected, and if Ralph Nader doesn't run, President Bush is going to be re-elected. We're going to run on the president's strong and principled leadership and his positive agenda for a second term.

I'm not part of the friends-and-family club; I'm not part of the pay-to-play club; I'm not looking to get re-elected. I'm not looking to go to another office and fill my campaign coffers. I don't need any friends in Albany except the people of the state.

I think these movies are as much for people of that time as for people who weren't born. For people who weren't born, they see how leaders must act under a crisis situation, not trying to be re-elected or not trying to check polls, that they go from their gut check.

My belief is the majority of people in politics are just interested in pursuing this career in politics, and doing what's necessary to get themselves re-elected. And if that happens to coincide with the public good, great. But if it doesn't, the public good loses out.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have one central idea in their uncluttered, ambitious minds: Hillary in 2008. Let Bush get re-elected, use the '04 primaries and general election to clean out the underbrush of competing Democratic candidates, and proceed unimpeded to the '08 nomination.

I was re-elected as general secretary with almost 100 per cent of the vote. And I am very surprised by that. Because I am quite old. I am the oldest member in the leadership of Vietnam. I myself asked to be retired but due to responsibility tasked on me by the party I had to accept.

I guess for every government - for many governments, they only have short vision, they only have three-year term or a four-year term. So they have to make sure they get enough support from the voter. So they probably have to deal with more short-term issues which are related to being re-elected.

We are all socialists now, it seems. John McCain, David Cameron and Gordon Brown attack bankers' irresponsible behaviour and salaries, and call for state intervention in the financial markets. But these calls will not get them elected or re-elected if they are addressed only to the banking sector.

After Bush was elected in 2004 - please note that I didn't say 're-elected' - and I was walking around in my befuzzed state of confusion and low-grade depression, I set out more or systematically to read writers who'd grappled with that fundamental question of what America is, why it is the way it is.

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