Singing's not my real passion.

I suppose books are my real passion in life.

The real passion of the twentieth century is servitude.

With acting it was never a real passion or inspiration of mine.

I have a real passion for many aspects of home lifestyle and beauty.

I like to do comedy. It's my real passion. I want to make people laugh.

I have to say that I have developed a real passion for Pakistan cricket.

Even though beauty is very much my heritage, my real passion is accessories and home.

I'm just trying to win something... I play with a chip on my shoulder, a real passion.

In my late teenage years, I developed a real passion for it, and wrote a lot of poetry.

I don't mind playing my music live. It's fun. But what my real passion is is writing music.

My biggest turn-off is if a woman doesn't have a real passion for something... and bad breath!

I have a real passion for anything medieval, which is why I love the drama series 'Game Of Thrones.'

Developing a new designer colouring book with Laurence King has been a real passion project of mine.

I used to have a real passion for writing, but not so much anymore - probably because I do too much of it.

If you took music out of my life, I don't know what I'd do. It's the one thing that I have a real passion for.

Making ski racing fun and engaging for kids and families is an exciting opportunity and a real passion of mine.

I grew up mostly in Schenectady, N.Y. From an early age, building and creating things was a real passion for me.

I was very sporty at school, and sport was probably the thing I was best at, but my real passion was for fashion.

I wanted to be a businesswoman from as early as I can remember, and specifically, my real passion was real estate.

I have a real passion for food - I love to cook for my family and friends and relish any opportunity to entertain.

I enjoy watching the NFL, but you've got to have a real passion to make that transition and have a real crack at it.

If you have real passion for a career in game shows, be willing to serve an apprenticeship; it's the best way to learn.

I'm a self-taught landscape gardener; it's a real passion of mine. It's what I do in my spare time because trees don't ask questions!

The 'Tron' fans have a real passion. They know their stuff and what works and why it works. It is more than a movie: it is a philosophy.

I'm even able to have kind of a little bit of a second career in dog rescue. Doesn't pay anything, but it's become a real passion for me.

Fashion is a real passion in my family. I never even realised it was something glamorous until much later. For me, it was my family's job.

Everything's a real passion to me - my children, my family, my work, travel. I don't play tennis, I don't play music, but I have a great time.

Writing a check is easy. The opportunity for real change happens when there's a person who comes to you with real passion to create a movement.

America's always had a real passion for lunatic movements. That's one of the things we're probably known for around the world, I would imagine.

The Fashion Fund celebrates the real passion that underlies the fashion business, not the frothy world of glamour and celebrity that so often surrounds it.

I've never had a business plan. Every project we've ever done was the intersection of somebody with a real need, a real passion to do something, and hustling.

Criticism starts - it has to start - with a real passion for reading. It can come in adolescence, even in your twenties, but you must fall in love with poems.

Although my family - parents and sister - all work in the personnel management business, their real passion is performing, amateur operatic societies and so on.

I have a real passion for driving. Earlier on in my life I wanted to be a race car driver. But I don't pay an extortionate amount of money for cars. I'm pretty frugal.

I never said Arsenal fans were not good. I just said I saw real passion when I signed here, and I said Arsenal was a little bit different. That is the only thing I said.

A movement only takes form from that first act. Exploring a curiosity, or a real passion, and being motivated by a desire to solve something - that's really the best way.

My real passion is for opera. It was born and developed by listening to records, and my dream as a child was to record entire operas when I grew up, and this dream came true.

I live for football, and my real passion is just to go out there and express myself and show everybody what I'm capable of doing. It's what I've always known since I was a kid.

At the very least, noir offers an alternate reality - moments of real passion, a bleak code of honor, and a need for freedom amid corruption. At its best, noir offers a map of subversion.

I have a real passion for children. I always wanted to teach and only became an athlete because my parents told my brother Parenthesis and me that we should use any God-given talent we had.

I have a real passion for children. I always wanted to teach and only became an athlete because my parents told my brother Parenthesis (sic) and me that we should use any God-given talent we had.

I've never been one to want to be the center of attention and be put up on stages every night. That's just not really my personality. I'm comfortable with it now, but my real passion is being creative.

I'm involved with a baroque opera company here in Italy. I write some of their booklet material, comments on operas. I also write for some baroque opera festivals because this music is my real passion.

'Extract' was kind of a grown up 'Office Space' in the sense of talking about the ennui of being a successful person in America if you don't have some real passion in your life for something to care about.

My real passion is to make movies, to direct. It's good for my ego to be an actress. It's like someone is saying, 'Yes, you're beautiful! Yes, you're doing fine!' But I feel like a child when I'm an actress.

I've started a little independent record label called 'Six String Productions' and recorded a couple of tunes, and I hope to do some more with some future artists next year. It's a real passion project of mine.

Boxing is my real passion. I can go to ballet, theatre, movies, or other sporting events... and nothing is like the fights to me. I'm excited by the visual beauty of it. A boxer can look so spectacular by doing a good job.

A word on 'Kingdom of Heaven:' if you get the four-disc set, which is 3 hr. 8 min., you'll see why it's such a good movie. It was a real passion project, and it's the film I'm most proud of. I think it was treated incredibly unfairly.

My real passion is social justice, resolving the lack of empowerment, the lack of skills, the fact that young people can't get on the housing ladder, they feel they can't have a decent job, they feel they aren't in control of their lives.

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