We can only love what we know.

The rebuilding of Iraq has been terrible.

Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur

I had been on a lot of losing teams. Always rebuilding.

Why are we rebuilding New Orleans? Whose idea was this, Aquaman?

I can't think of a better model for Haiti rebuilding than Rwanda.

Rebuilding the military is something Putin will pay attention to.

It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary.

After pregnancy, the important thing is rebuilding your back muscles.

Modernizing the U.S. Navy is a key component of rebuilding our military.

Fashion is neither moral or immoral, but it is for rebuilding the morale.

Without rebuilding the confidence between parties, you will never succeed.

We are looking for rebuilding Hungarian defence Industry with India's participation.

We must invest in infrastructure development and rebuilding communities to create jobs.

The rebuilding of New Orleans is an important point in the history of the United States.

In any rebuilding process, I feel like there's probably going to be two or three coaches.

The key to truly rebuilding our central city on a vital and sustainable foundation is people.

Brexit isn't just about leaving the E.U. It's also about rebuilding trust with the electorate.

Everybodys constantly being destroyed and rebuilding themselves, some more drastically than others.

I believe that our message of rebuilding America is one that will resonate with the American people.

Everybody's constantly being destroyed and rebuilding themselves, some more drastically than others.

We don't have enough money to rebuild our own country if we're rebuilding everyone else's countries.

That's one thing I love about Raven, is that she's always rebuilding herself to be better and stronger.

I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people's trust in their government.

Rebuilding has always been one of my specialities from the time I started with young players at Cagliari.

The refurbishing and rebuilding of Fenway Park since 2001 has created a new urban neighborhood in Boston.

Rebuilding our relationship with Cuba would be a win for American business and a win for the Cuban people.

We invite all those who have been outside Kenya to come back and join in the rebuilding of our new nation.

You don't quit after you get beat. You pick yourself up, and you start rebuilding to accomplish your goals.

Without women taking an active role in Afghan society, rebuilding Afghanistan is going to be very difficult.

I think what Punjab needs today is vigorous economic development and rebuilding of trust and social cohesion.

Rebuilding Kerala has to do with creating climate-resilient infrastructure and realising sustainable livelihoods.

As president, I'm committed to making Washington work better and rebuilding the trust of the people who sent us here.

This rebuilding of New Orleans gives us the perfect opportunity to see if we're ready to extend the legacy of Dr. King.

We will get our people off of welfare and back to work - rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.

In America, we're not making anything anymore. China and other countries are making our products. We are rebuilding China.

I will spend the next four years rebuilding the foundation of a opportunity society led by free people and free enterprises.

While natural disasters capture headlines and national attention short-term, the work of recovery and rebuilding is long-term.

The process of rebuilding state operations - including the important work of fueling job growth - began the day I took office.

All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence.

All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence.

I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.

At first when I first went to the Chiefs, there was a huge transition from what we had done in New England to a team that was rebuilding.

I have been reorganizing and restructuring AOL: changing the strategy and rebuilding it from scratch in the worst economy in a generation.

I work with a couple charities called Serving Those Who Serve and Rebuilding Together. Both are supportive of veterans when they come home.

He must trust, and he must have faith. And so he builds, because what is building, and rebuilding and rebuilding again, but an act of faith?

Our argument is everybody ought to be paying lower rates, and we ought to be focused on growing the economy and rebuilding the middle class.

We must remain committed to rebuilding communities ravaged by genocide. Survivors deserve a safe and secure pathway home or safe passage elsewhere.

President Trump knows that peace comes through strength. Accordingly, his administration has embarked upon a historic rebuilding of the U.S. military.

We will have a peace dividend to spend on rebuilding America, beginning with our American inner cities. We're going to rebuild them, for once and for all.

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