As the primary end of History is to record truth, impartiality, ...

As the primary end of History is to record truth, impartiality, fidelity and accuracy are the fundamental qualities of an Historian.

Records come and go.

I'm a walking record.

I don't play for records.

I've set no world record.

I’ve got no criminal record.

GusGus records are flawless.

I didn't have a record player.

I started my own record label.

Records are made to be broken.

Records are there to be broken.

I want to do, like, 50 records.

I make records so I can buy art.

A record is a message, timeless.

Record the album after the tour.

World records are only borrowed.

My roots are in my record player.

I've never sold a lot of records.

Records don't have to be perfect.

A poem is a record of a discovery.

I always like spoken word records.

All records are made to be broken.

A No. 1 record is hard to come by.

My next baby will be my new record.

I can't stand too long of a record.

Learn licks and songs from records.

A record is worth 10,000 live shows.

I Walk The Line was my third record.

Shady's great; I love Shady Records.

Making records is not brain surgery.

I can really only can record at home.

I don't want to live on past records.

I write the most sexiest records out.

That was a kiss for the record books.

I record all night and sleep all day.

History is a record of exploded ideas.

Seventeen whiskeys. A record, I think.

All records are not made to be broken.

I have a relatively good track record.

I think record companies are criminals.

Every single record I have is a fossil.

Faith is a record of great risks taken.

My goal was never to sell many records.

Stop telling the truth about my record!

My first record I owned was by Les Paul.

You're only as good as your last record.

All John Coltrane's records are amazing.

Records are meant to be broken, I guess.

I want to make big-sounding pop records.

There are no record companies in Waikiki.

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