I will never do a record without some sense of responsibility.

I was always concerned with making cool-sounding rock records.

Even by the time I was four or five, I had Gene Autry records.

Making the record was tons of fun, the most fun I've ever had.

Don't Be Cruel is the greatest rock 'n' roll record ever made.

Making a record is like painting a school bus with a toothbrush

I'm a record collector. I'd spend all my pocket money on vinyl.

The first rap record came out in '79, but hip-hop began in '69.

Just because a record has a groove don't make it in the groove.

My girlfriend is rap. Music and albums and records and my kids.

My professional life has been a constant record of disillusion.

I write not to record what I think but to discover what I think

I never really paid attention to sales until the second record.

Its always my goal to raise the bar with each record I put out.

I'm competitive in that I would like to outsell my last record.

My success lies in having achieved a record numbers of failures.

I do dig the White Stripes. I like the record they have out now.

I guess on all Silver Jews records, it's extremely male-centric.

Invariably, guitar players that go solo make really bad records.

If you're not Jay-Z, a record leaking isn't going to affect you.

Turning music into digital was just a con, a record-company con.

I'm pretty much a documents reporter. I'm a public records geek.

[Donald Trump] has a long record of engaging in racist behavior.

History is not a suicide note -- it is a record of our survival.

I wasn't aware that Track Records were interested in the Bonzos.

Marco Rubio is a talented young man, but record trumps rhetoric.

I don't know how you keep the world record holder off your team.

We recorded to document ourselves, not to sell a lot of records.

I think with each record, I don't know ... they're like burdens.

I'd liked my first record, it was autobiographical and beautiful.

Most of what has lived on Earth has left behind no record at all.

I will challenge anybody with regard to my record on LGBT issues.

Well, some people die and then they sell more records, go figure.

I love making records; I love making music; I love writing songs.

Record contracts are just like - I'm gonna say the word, slavery.

When you record something, you never know who's going to hear it.

As we write, so we build: to keep a record of what matters to us.

It's something special to break the world record at the Olympics.

I must have some sort of record in failing to get into the charts.

Sometimes actors come in, you record them, and they do their role.

Some records are timeless, and some absolutely sound of their day.

I came, I saw, I conquered From record sales to sold out concerts.

I'll write records until I'm dead. And then maybe even after that!

I don't mind my work being a record of the time it was written in.

Maybe my records might make the next Ja Rule or Jay-Z want to rap.

It's crazy to make records nobody buys. It's just a waste of time.

You're only as good as your last record and you could get dropped.

Hardly a day goes by without me sticking on a Muddy Waters record.

You've gotta really touch people to move them to buy your records.

It's hard to sell records when you can get it for free everywhere.

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