All of my style came from listening to records.

Records and achievements are made to be broken.

I don't want records. I want a Super Bowl ring.

There's not one Tin Pan Alley song on my record.

So in my mind I own a lot of house records still

Obama's record on climate issues is not all bad.

I didn't have a lot to do with the first record.

Collecting records is, for many, beyond a hobby.

For the record, I Iike Jay-Z. That's my opinion.

The historian records, but the novelist creates.

I have a pretty good record of winning in court.

It's always push and pull with a record company.

I make records with an open mind, I always have.

I need to reach a lot of people to sell records.

I try to record music that people can relate to.

I can record auditions from my office in my home

He's been breaking Olympic records like ninepins

I'd go on record and say yes, I think it's time.

A proven leader always has a proven track record.

Roads are a record of those who have gone before.

Theres nothing like Nashville for making records.

You know, I don't only play for the record books.

So in my mind I own a lot of house records still.

I got IRS records to finance what I wanted to do.

I played drums on Keith Carradine's first record.

I'm proud of all our records. Even the crap ones.

I always thought records were there to be broken.

I also tried to avoid doing obvious dance records.

I find making records by myself incredibly boring.

We need to have our medical records put on the IT.

I don't have to talk. My record speaks for itself.

For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia.

It don't take me no three days to record no album.

When you make a great record, it's around forever.

I don't believe in making a record and rushing it.

Being single is like liking a Phil Spector record.

There's nothing like Nashville for making records.

When I run - you can see my record - I run to win.

When I was a kid, I had some Charles Lloyd records.

All I want to do is sing on other people's records.

The trouble with records is that they're too short.

It was only a matter of time until my records fell.

I don't, for the record, have a Tweety Bird fetish.

I like records. My favorite is Simon and Garfunkel.

Chronicles are not explanatory of what they record.

I think Ill take my record of 13 goals to the grave.

Money don't rule me, record companies don't rule me.

I tried to have more than one emotion on the record.

Sophomore records are historically really difficult.

Life is true to form, records are meant to be broken

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