You can't recreate the '60s.

We will never recreate 'Iowa.'

You can't really ever recreate 'The Room.'

It's natural that I want to recreate a home.

I don't think one can recreate the magic of old films.

Each generation must recreate liberty for its own times.

I would never try to recreate something 'bad' on purpose.

I can never recreate the magic that 'Indian' did in the '90s.

I think you should experience life before you can recreate it.

Well, one of the things I did was recreate her home in my home.

You don't want to try to recreate something you've already done.

We all know that one can never recreate the magic of an original film.

A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.

Video is freeing, but also lazier. You have to recreate the love of the moment.

In my music, I'm never going to force anything to try to recreate a moment or something.

You can never go back to a time and try to recreate that sound, because that time is done.

If you're trying to recreate life, the life that you best know is the one you grew up with.

You don't want to disappoint, or feel like you're trying to recreate the magic of something.

We had to recreate the banks of the river Yamuna on a studio floor. It wasn't easy… or cheap.

The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal.

I have my pride. I'm a director. I'm not going to go and recreate some other director's vision.

Your subconscious's goal is to recreate unresolved childhood issues and then hopefully mend them.

When you're trying to recreate an era, eyebrows and hair are the most important thing to consider.

I just think that the collective experience of going to see a film is something you can't recreate.

There is an increasing market for mental hospital stuff. I am a fool if I don't relive it, recreate it.

I started walking a wire when I was 2 years old, and this has been a dream of mine to recreate this walk.

Mark my words, 'Aashiqui' will be a tough act to follow. It will be very difficult to recreate that magic.

We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together exist and forever will recreate each other.

I love acting and making your own luck. You have to recreate yourself, I guess. Although, I don't know how.

It's always a mixture of fiction and your own story. It's more I recreate atmospheres and moods through songs.

The Beatles were great; we know that. But we were trying to do a new thing. Why do we need to recreate the Sixties?

We no longer have to capture the 'real world' and recreate it online. We simply live and communicate at the same time.

Not everyone has the means to race stock cars - we know that - but VR technology can recreate the experience right at home.

I don't think 'Magadheera' should be remade, nor do I think it will be remade. It is very difficult to recreate the same magic.

Let's recreate the equivalent of the Met Ball in Europe and, rather than for the museum, give the money to environmental causes.

When I hear something new, mostly in rhythms, I often find it interesting to recreate it in a studio in a completely different way.

I don't ever think it's a good idea to try to recreate the success you've had before; it's all about chasing something fresh and new.

To get great again, we need to recreate what made us great in the first place, and so we're going to have to let interest rates go up.

We are anxious in the face of our unchangeable past; we long to recreate segments of our private histories, but we are stuck with them.

In general, I never think it is a good idea to try to recreate past successes. You have to strike out on your own, for better or worse.

I always practise penalties, but what people don't understand is that you can never recreate that pressure situation that you're under.

I see the world in rectangles. If I am talking to someone, I find myself analysing their face, working out how to recreate it in bricks.

The way television is done, you're kind of set on a certain path, and then episodic directors come in every week to try to recreate that.

The Spending Control Act. It would recreate President Reagan's grace commission to have a bipartisan commission on how we reduce spending.

In 'A Likely Story,' I wanted to recreate the events, the mood, and the imagery of my life as a teenager. I was thirty-seven when I wrote it.

It's amazing how you get to recreate somebody else's life on-screen. It's wonderful when you get responses like, 'You actually look like him.'

Putin is sometimes described as a revanchist, seeking to recreate the Soviet Union. That is a useful shorthand, but it is not really accurate.

Initially, it would bother me when filmmakers, script writers, dialogue writers and choreographers tried to recreate a bit of my dad though me.

The best comedy you can ever have is when you're in the pub with your mates. You can never beat that. That's what I try to recreate in stand-up.

When you're in a place like New York or D.C. you just can't beat it, and it's so hard to recreate because they are both such distinctive places.

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