An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a ...

An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight... the truly wise person is colorblind.

Red is uplifting.

I'm not a red wine guy.

I love the big red bus!

When in doubt wear red.

I am a huge Red Sox fan.

Red Bull is for pussies!

Red's my favorite color.

I don't eat any red meat.

Red hair stigmatizes you.

I used to never wear red.

Red is my signature color.

I am not fond of red meat.

We can get rid of red tape.

Red beans and ricely yours.

Painters used red like spice

I will always love red lips.

I still love red velvet cake.

I just love bright red drinks!

I hate red carpet photographs!

Nature, red in tooth and claw.

red plastic rain her tears stain

Red is our color. (on Liverpool)

Never trust a man in red trousers

Love and a red rose can't be hid.

My house is the red earth . . . .

I wouldn't be caught dead in red.

I founded the American Red Cross.

Red is a benevolent dictatorship.

I was raised as a red diaper baby.

I man don't come red, I come Black

When I haven't any blue I use red.

He is white-livered and red-faced.

When in doubt, make a red painting.

I'm crap at lying. I go bright red.

How red the rose that is the soldier

Keeping this red hair is not simple.

I felt red, white and blue all over.

She's the gal in the red blue jeans.

One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish!

Don't paint the apple; paint the red.

Lipstick is the red badge of courage.

If you want to hide it, paint it red.

He says I'm beautiful as a red tomato

Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.

Red lips like a living, laughing rose.

I feel like I thrive in the red light.

The tulips are too red...they hurt me.

There is certainly a red for everyone.

so much depends upon a red wheel barrow

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