The average housewife goes to the restaurant to relax and enjoy the food. But when Eva walks in, she becomes the center of attention.

I always come into these competitions hoping to come away with a gold medal. I won't relax until I have the gold medal around my neck.

And history`s fingers never relax their grip, never leave us unmolested, can touch us even when we would never imagine their presence.

I love to have massages, I think it's really important to relax. In New York, I usually go to Massage Williamsburg or Great Jones Spa.

Wait for those unguarded moments. Relax the mood and, like the child dropping off to sleep, the subject often reveals his truest self.

I also always carry my flute. It's very important for me to try to relax when I'm travelling, and playing my flute helps me to unwind.

No matter what happens, you can get through this day. Inhale. Focus on the word, 'relax. Exhale. Say, 'I can do this!' And then do it.

That's why people take vacations. No to relax or find excitement or see new places. To escape the death that exists in routine things.

Relax Beatrice, I've driven a car before.' MARCUS 'I've done a lot of things before, but that doesn't mean I'm any good at them!' TRIS

When you're in a fight camp, you're working your body harder than normal and it's important to still look after yourself and to relax.

I like to relax in the South of France. The weather is so good, the food is so good, and it is perfect because we can all speak French.

Playing live is my natural element. It's too hard to relax in the studio because there are too many options. It's just not as exciting.

I do not feel obliged in my reading. I read to be entertained and to relax, and to go into another world, not because it's good for me.

I feel mindless comedies make you relax - there are times when I come from shooting and watch comedy shows; they really change my mood.

The only way I can access all my strength is to relax. ... The paradox is that you must learn to be relaxed while using all your power.

I work, and I'm a full-time mom, and it's hard for me to sit down and relax because it's like, 'Crap, there's something I'm forgetting.'

When we relax about imperfection, we no longer lose our life moments in the pursuit of being different and in the fear of what is wrong.

I don't like Type-A actors, and I don't like Type-A golfers. I like people who relax into what they do and who enjoy it for the process.

The great thing about 'Vera Stark' is that my research was watching movies, screwball comedies, so I could literally sit back and relax.

On your birthday . . . Have a cuppa, kick off your shoes, sit back and relax ? you deserve it! Best Wishes for a Very Relaxing Birthday.

I am strong, the crowd makes me even stronger when they are on fire, I love to be with them, they give me focus so I just relax and play.

If faculty would relax their emphasis on grades, this might serve not to lower standards but to encourage an orientation toward learning.

I'm a pretty casual dresser. At home, it's probably whatever is functional to relax in, whether it's a pair of sweats or a pair of jeans.

It's one of the strangest attributes of this profession that when we writers get exhausted writing one thing, we relax by writing another.

When a man wants to relax, he will slob out and really relax. Or he will pursue a hobby - anything from building models to watching sport.

If you suspect someone is draining you, generally you should not confront them, but be nice, relax them, and then see what they are doing.

Some people watch comedy to relax. I watch '21 Grams.' I can recognize sadness and tragedy really easily because it's been with me forever.

I never lose that terror of 'this is my last job, I'll never work again.' You can never relax and rely on whatever reputation you've built.

I don't know if I can relax. Relax, I can't do. My brain, on idle, is a bad thing. I just get weird. I mean, not weird. I get, I get antsy.

Once you get comfortable playing hard, a lot of things just go your way. You just relax more, and you feel like you can do a lot of things.

Yeah, I think the suites have been definitely a game changer here at the US Open, somewhere to relax and chill just with you and your team.

When mom is cooking, we are more in a routine. You can better relax when you go through things like you usually do. It is more comfortable.

I never relax on the year before. Every year I want to get more out of myself so I use it as a driving force, rather than a pressure thing.

I learned all I have to do is sing the best music I know how and put on the best show I know how and just relax with it and people enjoy it.

Some people get a little shy, you know, and it can take a certain mood or a situation or a vibe for you to relax and come out of your shell.

Yoga will uplift you if you are feeling sluggish or down, relax you if you feel high-strung, and soften your edges if you are feeling angry.

I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out.

The world, universe, God, whatever you call it, has so much more in store if you just sit back and relax and do what's right in front of you.

People who own everything know how to relax a little and bend and exhale once in a while, but they're not going to let it get out of control.

To relax, I do yoga and meditate and do little math problems, and it's fun to check that part of your brain off and turn on a different part.

I suppose if you make enough money with one album, you can relax the rest of your life. I would rather go for smaller and stronger successes.

Relax. Just relax and have fun doing what you're doing. Don't worry so much about being results oriented. Just commit yourself to the moment.

For me, off-duty hair means no products. I have people touching my hair almost every day, so when I'm not working, I try to let my hair relax.

What makes a home to me is the energy. I'm a big energy person, so somewhere that I can relax, feel free and not have to worry about anything.

Yoga is a big part of my destressing. Even sitting on the floor for 10 minutes to center myself, stretch and relax can be a huge game changer.

I received the best advice for running I ever heard: 'You're not going to win, so just relax. If it feels like work, you're running too hard.'

For years now, I've used gaming to unwind and relax during the season. It's also how I manage to keep up with my friends when I'm on the road.

You can see players do things in training that aren't a problem but they can't in a game situation. You have to work on it, relax and be brave.

This is what I do. I look at brains. I'm fascinated by it. I can spend hours doing it. In fact, if I want to relax, that's one way I can relax.

Sebastian sighed an exaggerated sigh and swung the door shut. Clary stared at Jace. "What the f-" "Language, Fray." Jace's eyes danced. "Relax.

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