Actually we've got countless lifetimes, so relax.

At home, I relax by gardening, or just pottering.

Please call me Eddie if it will help you to relax.

After a game, I really just relax with the family.

Relax," Langdon whispered. "Do your piranha thing.

Music - it's motivational and just makes you relax.

Remember to preserve a calm soul amid difficulties.

Some people might say I need to learn how to relax.

We all need to relax more, but I don't find it easy.

I don't have anything to prove anymore. I can relax.

Your pupillary muscles relax when your body gives up.

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.

Relax. I am not the man I am portrayed to be by some.

If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax.

That's how I relax. I love singing with my castmates.

Relax yourself from one job by doing a different one.

The day my players relax, I get crazy. They know that.

When I'm home, I try to relax, but I still make music.

You can't relax, even for a millisecond in this sport.

I'm not great at dating, but I need to do it to relax.

I love cleaning, weird but true. It really relaxes me.

I relax, meditate and do 80 minutes of yoga every day.

Often the best way to relax is just to go back to work.

The tub helps me relax, and it's a great place to read.

I try to imagine someone saying to Shakespeare, 'Relax!

I don't sit down and relax very much. I don't desire to.

If you want to talk, it's okay with me. I sit and relax.

Here and now...breathe and battle and in life

I don't relax very well, and I find it hard to sit still.

While the things I do kill me, they just tell me to relax

Relax, Georgie, I'm just making my collar and cuffs match.

I tried in '71 to relax. I thought I gave my farewell tour.

The only way I could relax was when I was with my children.

I think you have to relax about aging. What else can you do?

If I cannot rest and relax, all the work I do is for naught.

Sometimes, there is not a lot of pressure, so you can relax.

When the mind is allowed to relax, inspiration often follows.

It is nice finding that place where you can just go and relax.

The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work.

The one thing you can't do when you're highly ranked is relax.

Relax, let go. But remember only one thing: You are a witness.

I love to work. Doing things we love is how we relax, I think.

Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.

I like to relax and get my mind off of business for a few hours.

Sometimes I do need to go to karaoke, sometimes I need to relax.

Going to a sensational murder trial is the only way I can relax.

As I'm a complete water baby, being by the beach helps me relax.

I think I am disciplined when I need to be, and relax when I can.

When every moment is constantly being filmed, it’s hard to relax.

When every moment is constantly being filmed, it's hard to relax.

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