Every day is a reminder to accept myself as I am.

Pain can be a haunting reminder to appreciate every waking moment.

An anniversary is a reminder as to why you love and married this person.

Every once in a while, you need a reminder of how people see you, view you.

Every time I sing, it it's a reminder to myself that I have to be confident.

The State of the Union address is always a reminder of how unique America is.

Having rain on your tuxedo is a pretty good reminder that you're not James Bond.

Laquan McDonald is a wake-up call to all of us. It's a reminder there's a lot broken.

The Freedom Flag is a powerful, physical reminder of one of the darkest days in American history.

You see the rise and fall of Sears and others. It's just a reminder that this can happen to us too.

Coming back to 'New Girl' was a real reminder of how lucky I am to be on a popular network TV show.

Auschwitz stands as a tragic reminder of the terrible potential man has for violence and inhumanity.

Pop music is a constant reminder of what you were doing at the time, it holds all sorts of memories.

I loved that television show Mad Men because it really was a reminder of what reality was back then.

Our Savior's birth is the ultimate reminder that miracles happen and often when we don't expect them.

It's always good to get a wake-up call and a reminder that you can't just go there and collect medals.

Occasionally, we are given a reminder of how precious a gift it is to understand the plan of salvation.

Watching the Dodgers perform at a really high level is a nice reminder to us as to how high the bar is.

I find a pregnant body to be beautiful and an incredible reminder of what a woman's body is made to do.

It's so hard to see one of your friends fall, and it's a reminder that you have to be on and in the zone.

Slavery is, as an example of what white America has done, a constant reminder of what white America might do.

The financial crisis is a stark reminder that transparency and disclosure are essential in today's marketplace.

Having two older brothers is a healthy reminder that you're always closer to the bottom than you are to the top.

It's not about an individual. If I have a tip or a reminder for one of my teammates, I'll help him out by doing that.

The Passover story is a reminder that our unity is our strength, and that there is nothing we cannot overcome, together.

Over the years, I've found myself wishing sometimes my angel would show up. I could use a little uplift, a little reminder.

India's difficulties in negotiating an FTA with both the ASEAN and E.U. are a reminder of the importance of multilateralism.

I think the story of 'Alice in Wonderland' in a way is a reminder that life is frightening, it can shift on you at any moment.

Sneakers have become a significant category for us and a very tangible reminder that what our customers want and wear is changing.

Philly gave me my ambition and drive to get more. It's a reminder to stay on top of my game. That's not a place I want to go back to.

'Something Good' is a feel-good song. A reminder that you're dope and have something wonderful to offer life and yourself and the world.

When suddenly your focus changes, you see the years going by and it's an extra reminder that you don't want to live life with any regrets.

I go on the Internet and look at old pictures of myself, because it is the best reminder of how far I have come and where I do not want to be.

It's too easy to forget bad things. By keeping the reminders close, it's the reminder of not just who you are, but how you became what you are.

The Jews are the living embodiment of the minority, the constant reminder of what duties societies owe their minorities, whoever they might be.

Spending the Thanksgiving holiday with the men and women who serve our country abroad is a reminder of the sacrifices many make to serve our country.

It's good to have a reminder that we can love ourselves and be beautiful even though we don't really fit into certain standards of what beauty may be.

The terrorist attacks upon our country changed the way that we live forever and provided us with a cruel reminder that freedom and liberty have a price.

'True School' is one great big reminder. It's a reminder to everybody in that middle school bracket that was in school when playing hard to get was out.

The anguish in London is a vivid reminder of why we cannot relent in taking the steps necessary to defend our homeland from the present terrorist threat.

The walk from Selma to Montgomery that turned into Bloody Sunday leaves us with a strong reminder of how much those before us gave for basic human rights.

'Never Have Your Dog Stuffed' is really advice to myself, a reminder to myself not to avoid change or uncertainty, but to go with it, to surf into change.

You have to be ready for anything. It's a good reminder about democracy. Voters can tell you to carry on, or chuck you out. You've got to be ready for both.

When you're a woman, you have to work harder to get a laugh... I follow so many hilarious women on Twitter. It's a daily reminder that women get to be funny.

Even though the moniker 'Vanilla ISIS' is tongue in cheek, it is a reminder to avoid constantly framing the concept of terrorism through an Islam-centric lens.

For many Native Americans across the land, the name of the Washington football team is a deeply personal reminder of a legacy of racism and generations of pain.

The doctor said, 'You have a lump on your breast'. Hearing those words was a reminder, a kick up the bum if you like, telling me that life is very unpredictable.

Golf is fundamentally about being honest. I see people hit eight shots and tell me they shot five. I never say a word. It is a reminder to me of what is at stake.

For millions of Americans, the continued incarceration of Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos is a grim reminder of everything that has gone wrong with border security.

This inevitability of conflict motivates us today and echoes the reminder that freedom is not given away and our national security is not achieved without sacrifice.

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