I want 'Rent' to last forever.

I think 'Rent' will run forever.

I pay my rent with my Instagram.

Rent control created deadweight loss.

Mom was always worrying about the rent.

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.

'Rent' was my first professional job, ever.

I'm just trying to make rent and do my work.

I never listen to the radio unless I rent a car.

I do my taxes. I do my own bookkeeping. I pay rent.

All I ever wanted to do was be able to pay my rent.

As long as I can pay rent, that's all I care about.

You have to do whatever jobs you can to pay the rent.

I did just about anything to pay the rent for a while.

You rarely pay the rent by doing Shakespeare or Ibsen.

Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth.

I don't honestly know why they offered me the part in Rent.

My only ambition when I came to Hollywood was to pay my rent.

I'm an actor, after all, and I need to be able to pay my rent.

Service to society is the rent we pay for living on this planet.

I'm a New Yorker, so I don't own a car, but I rent a lot of cars.

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

I can't quite warrant spending a month's rent on a pair of trousers!

In Europe, they're more demanding, the ones that rent the build ings.

Fraternity life, for me, really was about cheap rent and three square.

'Rent' audiences tend to be pretty vocal. They scream and cheer a lot.

I'd love to rent a private villa in a resort complex with a kids' club.

I have a couple of properties. Bought some houses and just rent them out.

If I owned Marseilles and Hell, I'd rent out Marseilles and live in Hell.

I do not gather things, I prefer to rent them rather than to possess them.

I don't live on the West Coast, so when I come out to work, I rent a house.

I pay my rent and my bills and I buy food and toys for my dog and that's it.

I didn't think we would ever make enough money to pay rent by playing music.

'Rent' resonates with people across generations because it's really great art.

It's cheaper to buy a house and finance it than it is to rent in many markets.

You can get out of maintaining property at code if the family is behind on rent.

All New Yorkers have the right to decent housing, regardless of income and rent.

I don't stay up and rent private jets and go on yachts and whoop it up in Miami.

I've had grand pianos that are more expensive than, like, a year's worth of rent.

As long as the rent's getting paid, you don't think about getting out of the game.

Paris is a danger for people like me. We spend our rent money in Paris on clothes.

Airbnb was born out of necessarity. Our rent went up. It was born out of a problem.

I'm proud I've been able to pay my rent doing what I love because I hate real jobs.

New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed... a race for rent.

I probably got many personalities living in my head and they all have to pay rent, OK?

I was in 'Rent,' for God's sake. The closest we came to stunts was dancing on a table.

None of us want to ever face a choice between putting food on the table or paying rent.

I'm very much a jobbing actor who's still trying to find a place to rent down the road.

I was an artist - I fancied myself an artist - I sold paintings at bars to pay my rent.

It's funny, I remember doing the Johnny Carson show, and, uh, I couldn't afford my rent.

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