Republicans will own Congress.

Republicans are easy to make fun of.

There are fewer and fewer Republicans.

The Republicans are coming - make nice.

My parents are Republicans, and I'm not.

I have unbelievable support among Republicans.

Most Republicans call the show 'The Left Wing.'

The Republicans learned well from Bill Clinton.

Republicans do not believe in identity politics.

I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.

I've done work for both Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats cluster in cities, and Republicans don't.

Republicans are good at standing by their candidate.

I guess blustery liberal Republicans flock together.

Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid.

Republicans have never been good at public relations.

Republicans have to move to a point of greater unity.

Republicans spend and borrow, Democrats tax and spend.

I believe in most of the things Republicans stand for.

Democrats have bad ideas and Republicans have no ideas.

On the Republican playing field, Republicans always win.

Republicans absolutely support equal pay for equal work.

I think 'immigration' is a bad word for many Republicans.

I don't think the Republicans care much about minorities.

I think our country will keep Republicans in the majority.

Republicans cannot continue to oppose every Hispanic issue.

Republicans went off track. We were spending too much money.

I was told freshman Republicans don't get their bills heard.

I showed people Republicans in Florida can do more than talk.

All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans prefer straight talk to politically correct talk!

We as Republicans have taken the easy way out a lot of times.

Democrats and Republicans alike support our military personnel.

I've got Republican fans. Republicans like the Black Eyed Peas.

Republicans are not a political party. It's a mental condition.

Republicans like to indict Democrats as anti-corporate zealots.

There are lots of bad Republicans, there are no good Democrats.

My mom and dad are Republicans. At least two of my brothers are.

It's easy to keep issuing blame to Republicans or the president.

It is very clear that the Republicans do not want to raise taxes.

If you look at Republicans, they always run these old war horses.

I'm accusing Republicans of thinking the Jews have so much power.

I still believe a majority of Republicans are for income tax cuts.

If diversity is O.K. for God, it ought to be O.K. for Republicans.

The women Democrats and Republicans work together incredibly well.

Republicans have nothing but bad ideas and Democrats have no ideas.

Republicans are men of narrow vision, who are afraid of the future.

Texas is now a cornerstone of the electoral college for Republicans.

The Republicans do not have feeling for people who are in bad shape.

The Dixiecrats meet again in New York. Now they're called Republicans.

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