The painter must enclose himself within his work; he must respond not with words, but with paintings.

I'm a kind person; I don't have a really nihilist streak in me, but I respond to that kind of humour.

The hand is man's most valuable servant; its dexterity enables it to respond to his slightest bidding.

This is normal, to have pressure. It's how you respond. Take the pressure, use the pressure, have fun.

If you give your life as a wholehearted response to love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you.

My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice of God in their own hearts.

If you believe in your art, and you love what you do, that energy will go out, and people will respond.

You can't tolerate anybody attempting to threaten or intimidate your body. You must respond with force.

I took a political stance early on, but I don't think my work is overtly political. I respond to events.

I'm not really looking for theater work. But if somebody approaches me with enthusiasm, I might respond.

I sense people respond more to the honest approach to making music instead of the manufactured approach.

When I'm writing, I don't really have much other guide than, 'As a reader, how would I respond to this?'

I believe, however, that impending events will call us and we must respond but where, with whom, and how?

Women respond to comfort and a sense of humor. I was always able to make them laugh, so that helps a lot.

I'm not going to respond to every single thing that Donald Trump has to say or that Hillary Clinton says.

I do like books to be quite an intense experience, and that's the kind of novel I respond to as a reader.

The people who love my paintings, that respond to them the most, they're spectators, they're not viewers.

When people say, 'I know you. What have I seen you in?' I respond, 'Well, it depends on how old you are.'

People respond when you tell them there is a great future in front of you, you can leave your past behind.

Liberal democracies do not and often cannot respond in kind to cyberattacks on their own way of governance.

If you act weird, people are going to treat you weird, but if you're just yourself, people respond to that.

We can only control how we react and how we respond, and that complex but so simple idea helped me survive.

I'm not gonna respond to people calling me a race baiter. It doesn't serve me. Also, I'm not a race baiter.

Wearing clothes should be a personal narrative of emotion. I always respond to fashion in an emotional way.

It's difficult to believe that Al Gore was oblivious to the existing laws. He has to respond at some point.

Coaching people, people act differently, respond differently, hear things differently from different people.

I really respond to diversity, a broader landscape, with actors of different ages and races and backgrounds.

Our climate is changing. That's a fact, and we need to have a real debate about how we should respond to it.

I'm an instant responder. Somebody told me I'm a living Twitter. I'm quick to respond and quick to fill air.

SpongeBob is an innocent, and people respond to an innocent. I don't think it matters if you're young or old.

I do not want to respond to leaks that concern things that have to do with state secrets of the first degree.

It's not the situation, but whether we react negative or respond positive to the situation that is important.

I don't really believe in palm readers and crystal balls and tarot cards, but I respond to the need for them.

To respond to people's needs, humanitarian action has evolved from a temporary fix to a long-term safety net.

It's a trend to insult Wale, like that makes you cool on the Internet, and a part of it is because I respond.

Kids know me from their Grease DVD, so they instantly respond. You can hear a pin drop when I do my old songs.

You just have to be yourself and make music you feel from your gut, and hopefully, your audience will respond.

As I found again and again as a writer, when you're completely honest about something, people respond to that.

State and local governments in New Jersey are a critical line of defense in the effort to respond to COVID-19.

You're going to fail. It's how you respond to that failure that kind of defines you as a person, as an athlete.

Art has to be able to match life, to respond to the ever-changing forms of the world, to electrify the audience.

It's irrelevant who or what directed a movie; the important thing is that you either respond to it or you don't.

I rarely ever respond to misquotes and wrong information. Plus, it only serves to bring attention to the matter.

There are a lot of young swimming fans that are on Instagram, so I try to respond or post things that they like.

I have always believed that an artiste needs to respond to a story first. One has to feel it in order to live it.

If I'm speaking to the streets and for the streets, they gon' respond. I don't even be thinking about blowing up.

Governments that don't need to broaden their tax base have few incentives to respond to the needs of their people.

I respond to authenticity and originality, and I've been a fan of Don Winslow's ever since 'The Power Of The Dog.'

Fairy tales cross generational lines, and how you respond to them depends on when in your life you're seeing them.

I'm on Twitter. I created my account for my fans, and I do respond back once in a while, because they're so great.

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