Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn.

President Obama thinks he can use emotion to bring pressure on Congress. But that's not how adults with power respond to things.

You go through your life feeling like an outsider, and you respond to society in a different way when you feel like an outsider.

That's your worry as a head coach: Are you going to go in there, give them everything you've got, and are they going to respond?

This is the United States of America. It means we respond to our fellow Americans in times of crisis and emergency and disaster.

Defence must be more adaptable, able to respond quickly to the changes in the security environment and the character of conflict.

So I am happy to have fans, especially if it enables me to keep working. And I am really grateful when people respond to my work.

The longer it takes to respond to a major development or crisis, the higher the chance of violence being seen as the only answer.

I only respond to Telemundo when it's about novellas, in regards to music or movies they have nothing to do with it; that's mine.

A lot of times, people send me emails, and then I forget about them, or I never respond to them, or I respond to them weeks later.

Americans are less selfish than some of our politicians believe and will respond with reason and resilience to passionate clarity.

American shows can go on for 20 years. I respond more to the British format. Three seasons is a long run for them to tell a story.

We must hunt the terrorists down and kill them. There is no other way to respond to those so committed to the destruction of life.

I'm working hard not only during training, but also studying English to talk to the crowd and respond by myself during interviews.

That's one thing about fashion that you really shouldn't be-you can't be melancholy in fashion because people don't respond to it.

For me personally, it is one of my biggest priorities to build a sustainable city that can respond properly to the climate change.

I respond to about a quarter of comments. It's a good barometer of my mental health - when I'm healthy and busy, I don't read them.

As an actor, it's exciting to play a role that's so far from what you are and to have people respond to it like a real human being!

Cable is a great medium. It's something I respond to. I'm not doing sitcoms. People don't find me funny. That's just the way it is.

I think it's a mistake to go after someone just based on looks. But I always respond to people who don't act that interested in me.

Guys are going to talk. We're going to respond... they aren't going to punk us. Not me. They're not going to punk Tristan Thompson.

People love fashion exhibits because they can fantasize. They can respond to a dress even if they can never wear a dress like that.

What people respond to in my room makeovers is the daring design - fearless colors, bold fabrics and occasionally outlandish decor.

Most of the time, actors respond to the thing that's so far from who they are. We all want to play the serial killer and the ex-con.

Sometimes the way you respond to horrific, evil deeds is the measure of one's self as a man, as a nation, as people, as a community.

I understand my teammates. I know which teammates you can get on during the game, and which respond better to constructive criticism.

At the end of the day, I just like to make the best music that I can make and put it out to the world and see how they respond to it.

Who creates a fake page? If I want to respond to a person on social media, it has to come from my page with the verified check on it.

I don't just post a video and then get offline. After uploading, I love to respond to comments, tweets, and messages about the video.

To its credit, Twitter is at least making an effort to curb hate speech towards transgender people, training its staff how to respond.

If I read something and respond to the role, that's what happens, and if those happen to be a few comedies in a row, or not, so be it.

I'm the world's worst after-dinner speaker. I need pictures to respond to. I was the voice of the lottery balls once and got the sack.

Every role is physical to a certain extent, but as a viewer, I don't respond well to actors doing more than they need to tell a story.

I'd love to write more observational comedy but the stuff people seem to respond to is the most personal so it's snowballed from there.

A troll is only as powerful as your response to them. Once you respond to them or let them instigate you, then you've given them power.

If you truly dig what you are doing, if you lay it out that way, nobody can not respond. That's what rock and roll is; it's relentless.

You can't really ask for anything more than to be working for your entire life - and to be doing something that some people respond to.

How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser.

I believe that Prime Minister Modi will respond positively to development projects for backward areas. That is why I am promising them.

By taking responsibility for how you choose to respond to anything or anyone, you're aligning yourself with the beautiful dance of life.

Whenever someone says I'm the next Oprah, I always respond, 'Child, there's only one Mahogany, and only one Oprah.' There are no others.

You take a plug and put it in a socket, and that's what the theatre is-it lights up right away. You speak, and they respond immediately.

Your response to literature is to do with maturity; if you don't respond to a book or a poem when you are 12, you might when you are 13.

As a child, my father's architecture seemed to me to be industrial in a way. It seemed harsh and kind of chilly; I didn't respond to it.

Women have a lot to say about how to advance women's rights, and governments need to learn from that, listen to the movement and respond.

Inspiration comes and goes when it pleases. It's independent of our desires, doesn't respond well to force, and refuses to be controlled.

I think, as long as you tell real stories, I think people will respond to it no matter whether or not it's in the context of super heroes.

Politicians around the world are very different, but they all have one thing in common: The first thing they respond to is public opinion.

We are not a victim of our emotions or thoughts. We can understand our triggers and use them as tools to help us respond more objectively.

Every actor has a strength, and sometimes you just respond to things that you see yourself better at. I'm aware of what I can and can't do.

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