Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon ...

Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues Can but encourage one's own efforts.

During the rests - pray.

I'm not good with long rests.

Home is where your rump rests.

All good Literature rests primarily on insight.

The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.

Whether or not we establish freedom rests with ourselves.

Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.

There are not many poets whose fame rests on a single work.

America rests on shared values rather than shared ethnicity.

Our religion, then, rests on the credit due to these witnesses.

The imperial, genocidal war machine never rests, so I don't either.

Here rests the soul of our nation - here also should be our conscience.

Virtues are acquired through endeavor, which rests wholly upon yourself.

Steve Jobs now rests with the sublime satisfaction of symbolic immortality.

On what rests the hope of the republic? One country, one language, one flag!

Domination delegates the physical violence on which it rests to the dominated.

The foreign policy of the United States rests entirely on propagandistic lies.

Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics.

The responsibility to do missionary work rests with every member of the Church.

The fundament upon which all our knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable.

With us, the people of India, rests the real power to decide our collective future.

The authority to declare war rests in Congress, not in an out-of-control president.

Civilization rests on the fact that most people do the right thing most of the time.

Thou hast created us for Thyself, and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee.

Strength of mind rests in sobriety; for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion.

The law is not thrust upon man; it rests deep within him, to waken when the call comes.

At last I perceive that in revolutions the supreme power rests with the most abandoned.

It's a mistake to believe technology rests outside India. We compete very successfully.

Left love behind many years ago. Now it rests under a cross in the cemetery in Tombstone.

Democracy, like any non-coercive relationship, rests on a shared understanding of limits.

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

The doctrine of immortality rests upon human affection. We love; therefore, we wish to live.

Ultimately, the appraisal of Grant's presidency rests upon posterity's view of Reconstruction.

Responsibilities are given to him on whom trust rests. Responsibility is always a sign of trust.

The American tradition rests on pillars of self-questioning, self-actualization, and disagreement.

God's justice, tardy though it prove perchance, Rests never on the track until it reach Delinquency.

Once an organization loses its spirit of pioneering and rests on its early work, its progress stops.

The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them.

In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance.

The abstract analysis of the world by mathematics and physics rests on the concepts of space and time.

There is no magic wand that can resolve our problems. The solution rests with our work and discipline.

Our employment future rests on the shoulders of the small employer, and we should be investing with them.

To my thinking, this: - that the Priestly Code rests upon the result which is only the aim of Deuteronomy.

Our new world rests on order. The danger is disorder. And in today's world, it can now spread like contagion.

All business success rests on something labeled a sale, which at least momentarily weds company and customer.

The power of ads rests more in the repetition of obvious exhortations than in the subtle transmission of values.

Science rests on reason and experiment, and can meet an opponent with calmness; but a belief is always sensitive.

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.

All bad Literature rests upon imperfect insight, or upon imitation, which may be defined as seeing at second-hand.

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