To retire is to die.

I will never retire.

I don't intend to retire.

I never use that word, retire.

I'm going to retire as an Eagle.

I'm a performer. We don't retire.

Retire? Never! We are far too busy!

My plan is to retire at Real Madrid.

I don't know the right way to retire.

I will never retire unless I have to.

Once I retire, I'm retiring. I'm done.

There's no reason why I should retire.

Maybe wanting to retire is my ambition.

I hope I can retire at Atletico Madrid.

People retire to do what I do every day.

I'll never retire. I like what I'm doing.

I just want to make $100 million and retire.

I adore the game of golf. I won't ever retire.

My dream is to retire as a San Francisco 49er.

You can't put off being young until you retire.

Writers don't retire. I will always be a writer.

I guess I'll retire someday if I live that long.

People do not retire. They are retired by others.

AC/DC will never retire; Angus will never retire.

I didn't make enough money in my sport to retire.

I was voted Most Likely to Make a Teacher Retire.

I can retire from football with a smile on my face.

Old cartoonists never retire, they just erase away.

The day I write a totally happy song... I'll retire.

It is time for Hillary Clinton to permanently retire.

I will not go to Oklahoma and retire my jersey there.

I figure the faster I pedal, the faster I can retire.

Actors never retire, they just get less and less work.

There's nothing I would retire for, so I won't retire.

I have no idea when it's going to be, when I'll retire.

You have to retire before you can make the Hall of Fame.

I don't think you really have to retire from what you do.

Retire to what? I already play golf and fish for a living.

Playing music is just one of the best things. I can't retire.

Of course, after I retire I want to be the housewife, really.

Sooner or later I'm going to die, but I'm not going to retire.

Anytime a musician says they're going to retire they're lying.

To have Kobe retire as a Laker, that to me is really important.

Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to.

While I'm hale and hearty, I've no thought in my mind to retire.

When I reach the point that I write Yesterday, then I can retire.

I will not retire while I've still got my legs and my make-up box.

I am going to retire, and it is going to be a permanent retirement.

I had this wonderful career and thought I would retire as a teacher.

Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.

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