Intellectual ''work'' is misnamed; it is a pleasure, a dissipation, ...

Intellectual ''work'' is misnamed; it is a pleasure, a dissipation, and is its own highest reward.

The gods offer no rewards for intellect. There was never one yet that ...

The gods offer no rewards for intellect. There was never one yet that showed any interest in it.

Peace is its own reward.

Peace is its own reward.

Leaders create an environment in which everyone has the opportunity ...

Leaders create an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to do work which matches his potential capability and for which an equitable differential reward is provided.

Love is its own reward.

Vice is its own reward.

Truth is its own reward.

Virtue is her own reward.

Reward is its own virtue.

The reward is in the risk.

Courage is its own reward.

Writing is its own reward.

The smell rewards the care.

Revision is its own reward.

Love is the reward of love.

Being nuts is its own reward.

Getting it done is my reward.

suffering sweetens the reward

Achievement is its own reward

The journey is its own reward.

Honor is the reward of virtue.

Success is the reward for toil.

Virtue is indeed its own reward.

A simple life is its own reward.

The reward is found in the work.

Great thinking is its own reward.

The reward of pain is experience.

The reward is in the doing of it.

Money need not be our only reward.

Happiness is the reward of virtue.

Love's like virtue, its own reward.

A reward once given becomes a right.

If you reward candor, you'll get it.

The only reward of virtue is virtue.

Because the reward is worth the risk.

Virtue is to herself the best reward.

Understanding is the reward of faith.

Life's greatest reward is life itself

There is no reward without sacrifice.

Service without reward is punishment.

Love, like virtue, is its own reward.

Writing is a sweet, wonderful reward.

The reward for good work is more work.

Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.

The frame is the reward of the artist.

In C++, reinvention is its own reward.

Rewards should go to teams as a whole.

Reward the behavior you want repeated.

Reward worthy failure - Experimentation.

Serendipity always rewards the prepared.

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