But listen up Alex Rider.

Frying pans! Who knew, right?

Tortall and the Queens Riders!

I saw myself as an electronic joy rider.

Kvetha, Shur'tugal Greetings, Dragon Rider

What is this place? Hogwarts? -- Alex Rider

The rider evolved to serve to the elephant.

And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.

I'm not a social rider. Strictly professional.

I'm a horseback rider. I know how to use a whip.

There are no problem horses, only problem riders.

Reason is a very light rider, and easily shook off.

I am in Ghost Rider but I'm not sure when it's coming out.

Kolkata Knight Riders is not about me. It is about the team.

There are old riders and bold riders, but no old bold riders.

Not every rider is a horseman and not every horseman is a knight.

Your talk of sniffling riders with invisible noses has unsettled me.

I have seen many lean riders in the peloton, but very few Tour winners

Uber riders are the most affluent, influential people in their cities.

My strength was that I am more balanced and calmer than most other riders.

Amtrak offers riders a cost-effective way to travel throughout the country.

Right now I like baseball, hockey and tennis players. And horseback riders.

But many people doubt female riders because they say we're not strong enough.

I admire bull riders for their passion and the uniqueness each one of them has.

One medal. One shot. One lap. Eight riders. No lanes. No right of way. Just go.

I love dill pickles! They're on my rider for my concerts so I eat one every day.

The legal difference between the sit-ins and the Freedom Riders was significant.

When I first started snowboarding, there weren't a lot of girl riders on the hill.

Don't be the rider who gallops all nightand never sees the horse that is beneath him

I got to talking to an old actor, and he had a bunch of stories about the Rough Riders.

A horse must be a bit mad to be a good cavalry mount, and its rider must be completely so.

A good rider on a good horse is as much above himself and others as the world can make him.

You can always tell a novice rider; they aren't comfortable in the saddle and have to hang on.

There ain't never a horse that never been rode; there ain't never a rider that can't be thrown.

You either ride life or it rides you. Your mental attitude determines who is 'rider' and who is 'horse.'

I live on the limit, Vyvyan. The limit, because I'm a rider at the gates of dawn and I take no prisoners!

I was awarded 'Most Aggressive Rider of the Day', generally given to the most spectacular loser of the day.

I say a little prayer every time I see a race. I say a little prayer that the riders and the horses will be okay.

You try to do a technical feature: in front of me I had a strong rider who brakes hard and it's difficult to pass.

Rodeo riders are the last of the true chivalrous groups of people. It's a place where the competition is really pure.

I symbolized doping... My phone rarely rings. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of riders who call me.

A lot of the riders end up in Monaco, but I don't need to be there for the tax purposes because I'm from the Isle of Man.

On the Tour, you live in a bubble - your team, the other riders, the press - so you don't know how it looks from outside.

I don't like the road. I love being on the track. I like being indoors and the fact I'm not battling past 200 other riders.

In sport, all my fellow riders and trainers and the people I meet and deal with have just accepted the fact that I'm here forever.

The supporters...It is true that they are dangerous when they run close to the riders. From there to throwing a punch. That is a step.

I still remember 1997 when I made the movie 'Storm Riders;' that moment, a lot of American producers want to hire me to make movies in the States.

During every race, an ambulance trails the riders around the course. You know that sometimes you are going to end up in the back of that ambulance.

I review all the riders for my music clients and make sure there's healthy food and snack options, like strained yogurt, fresh berries, and lean protein.

I have always been an avid bike rider. Even before I became an avid bike rider, I was an avid bike stealer when I was a kid. I am very educated on bikes.

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