The right man is the one who seizes the moment.

The right man is the one who seizes the moment.

I don't think I'm the right man to adapt a book.

America's best buy is a telephone call to the right man.

Bright is the ring of words When the right man rings them.

The right man applauds your potential, he doesn't stifle it.

If the right man came along I would be prepared to marry again.

Whilst I may look good, I do find it hard to find the right man.

The right man, in the right place, at the right time, can steal millions.

You'd be surprised how fast things happen when the right man comes along.

Ally McBeal walks down the streets crying, looking for the right man. I don't do that.

I am hopeful that one day I will meet that right man and will have a very happy life partner.

No duty the Executive had to perform was so trying as to put the right man in the right place.

Personally, I think if a women hasn't met the right man by the time she's 24, she may be lucky.

I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.

As soon as Jose Mourinho was given the job, I knew that he was the right man for Manchester United.

In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that Senator Bernie Sanders is the right man to lead this country.

I don't think anybody is - no one could compare to Ronald Reagan, because he was the right man at the right time.

Yes, I am seeking a husband. As soon as the right man asks me, I shall say, 'It is not good for a woman to live alone.'

It's not so much that I ever declared: 'I will never have children.' I just never found the right man to settle down with, so it didn't happen.

A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones.

By the time a man is 35 he knows that the images of the right man, the tough man, the true man which he received in high school do not work in life.

I found the right man, got married, and just had to keep not reinventing myself, just deciding that it doesn't matter what you are if you are a good person.

I'm human. I'm a person. I would love to be in a relationship with a man. I would love to find the right man; I think that's natural - that's what we all want.

I kept thinking I was always going to meet the right man, but I never did. Kept waiting for this knight in shining armour. 'When's he coming? He's taking a long time, isn't he?'

It's not easy casting the men. You have to go gingerly, but you have to approach the right man at the right time because men don't want to play second fiddle to a woman. That's the truth.

Humans are imperfect. That's one of the reasons that classical and jazz are in trouble. We're on the quest for the perfect performance and every note has to be right. Man, every note is not right in life.

For women of a certain age, how do you meet a guy, fall in love, and decide he's the right man to have children with? Your clock's ticking, you're looking at him, and it's a crazy, pressure-filled experience.

I will be that guy to change this sport, especially in the heavyweight division. A lot of people have lost interest. I'm the right man for the job... I want to make it bigger and better than it ever have been before.

I wholeheartedly believe that Andy Biggs is the right man to take up the legacy that Matt Salmon is leaving behind. I have worked with Andy for a number of years, and I have been impressed by his commitment to the Constitution and the principles of conservatism.

Thirty was a big deal for me. It was the age where I reevaluated everything - how I approached life and how I thought about myself. When I look at my 20s, or when I look at any period in my life, I think about how much time I've wasted trying to find the right man.

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