No one ever likes the right person.

I'll marry once I find the right person.

It's getting the right person that's the challenge.

Home is any four walls that enclose the right person.

Hopefully, I will be meeting the right person one day.

Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person.

Marriage is not about age; it's about finding the right person.

Instead of looking for the right person become the right person.

It's just as important to marry the right life as the right person.

The person who I have my child with is going to be the right person.

Everything's funny - in the right context and done by the right person.

One can sometimes do good by being the right person in the wrong place.

I am a fan of marriage and a fan of being committed to the right person.

It doesn't matter when you get married as long as it is the right person.

I'm pessimistic. I don't think that justice always gets the right person.

You feel that there is an avalanche coming when you meet the right person.

So I think you have to marry for the right reasons, and marry the right person.

Anybody that's intimidated by my success probably isn't the right person for me.

It's been true in my life that when I've needed a mentor, the right person shows up.

Yeah, I definitely want to find that right person and fall in love and have kids someday.

I don't want to force anyone to give me a job. I want to be the right person for the part.

Marriage is something I'd recommend everyone to try, if you find the right person, of course.

When I find the right person, nothing else will matter, but I'm prepared to kiss a lot of frogs.

Without being the most confident person in the world, I think I am the right person for Liverpool.

I'm not into cliches like 'no time' for love. If I find the right person, I'll definitely find time.

Gymnastics should be popular everywhere; you just need the right person to start the right programme.

I've been broody since I was 12, but I can't just get anyone pregnant. It has got to be the right person.

I've realised now that the reality of children is you have to be in the right place with the right person.

I've been in love a couple times, but you never know if it's truly the one until you meet the right person.

There is a saying that every nice piece of work needs the right person in the right place at the right time.

I believe when you meet the right person it clicks, and you both know and you start making it work, you know?

Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soulmate and that takes a lot of looking.

And I would really like to be a grandmother, but only when Felix or Emily meet the right person and are ready.

I don't want the George Clooney lifelong bachelorhood. If I found the right person, I would commit in a minute.

I always think I would like to have a partner in life, and I would - if I could find the right person, I think.

I always thought that marriage needs to happen at the right time, for the right reasons, and with the right person.

I would be ready to become a dad if I was with the right person. I'd like a boy, though. Because they're in charge.

Marriage is great if you find the right person. What is nice about Vijay and his family is that they have let me be.

It is now possible to target adverts to the right person at the right time in the right place. But that is not enough.

I believe in discipline, so I'm not the right person to cry about weakness and things like this, but maybe I'm not human.

I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person.

Ultimately, I believe the only secret to a happy marriage is choosing the right person. Life is a series of choices, right?

Auditions are not a natural environment, and you feel judged, even though everyone is just excited to find the right person.

Jeremy Corbyn... love him. Right person, right time. He's like a poultice, drawing Blairite disease out of the Labour party.

The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.

It may be an old cliche, but I think true love will last; it has no end. But finding the right person is a very difficult thing.

Being married, I don't know how to describe it. It's very comfortable when you find the right person. It all comes together beautifully.

I'm very close with my friends. If someone was to ever come along and be the right person, they would have to get along with my friends.

I've longed for kids since I was very, very young. And so... I'm waiting to find the right person, someone who's willing to take on the job.

I tried marriage. Do I advocate it? Yes. Marriage is a wonderful institution, provided you meet the right person and you be the right person.

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