The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for ...

The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

I play the game the right way.

I just try to play the right way.

I try to do things the right way.

There is no right way to do life.

I try and do things the right way.

There is no one right way to live.

I don't know the right way to retire.

I always like to do things the right way.

Ain't no right way to do the wrong thing.

There is no right way to do a wrong thing.

Just do the best to do things the right way.

The right way is not necessarily the easy one.

When I retire, I want to retire the right way.

You have to play together and play the right way.

There's a right way to sell and a wrong way to sell.

I'm gaining weight the right way: I'm drinking beer.

I lay back and see how I can do things the right way.

Even if you want to lose weight, do it the right way.

Live your life the right way, and the blessing will come.

I don't want people to think there's one right way to eat.

Doing something the right way is something I take pride in.

Talent is not enough - it's about using it in the right way.

People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in the right way.

I just keep doing me and representing the sport the right way.

I'm going to do the time and I am going to do it the right way

Your body is a machine. Learn the right way to take care of it.

I've been on teams in the NBA where we don't play the right way.

Work hard, do things the right way, and things will go your way.

I think social media is a great tool if you use it the right way.

There's no right way or wrong way to work. There's only your way.

It is unpleasant to turn back, though it be to take the right way.

My whole life, I have been trying to cook an egg in the right way.

There's never a right way to tell somebody that they've been traded.

Good teams understand how to compete, how to practice the right way.

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.

I don't care if it's the slow way; I just want to do it the right way.

I'm just very interested in how we, as people, can live the right way.

I always like to stay even-keeled and just play the game the right way.

I do want to live my life in the right way and live my life close to God.

When I do something, I don't want to be second best. That's the right way.

I've had some great examples in my career of how to do things the right way.

Whoever has learned to be anxious in the right way has learned the ultimate.

I've lost some weight. I've been working out and doing things the right way.

It's fool's gold if you are winning games and are not playing the right way.

More than anything, you have to respect the game and do things the right way.

Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I'm like, 'Whoa, I'm so cool.'

I like to think that everything you do or don't do works out in the right way.

I had some pretty good teachers. I learned how to play the game the right way.

I have to be honest with myself, and make sure I am doing things the right way.

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