We have the riots we deserve.

Riot is the voice of the unheard.

Why do we have to have another riot?

Riots are the voices of the unheard.

A riot is the language of the unheard.

The cause of the riots were the rioters

We shouldn't need riot police at schools.

I'd like to cause a little riot in skating.

Those who are quiet will always cause riots.

Who's responsible for the riots? The rioters!

But his heart was in a constant, turbulent riot.

I love telling myself jokes. I think I'm a riot.

The only riot I’m okay with is a zoot suit riot.

I was arrested when I was 19 for inciting a riot.

The whole world turned into an all-you-can-eat buffet.

He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work.

My soul is dark with stormy riot: directly traced over to diet.

There were riots in just about every game we played with Syracuse.

Passion is the mob of the man, that commits a riot upon his reason.

My worst memory is living through the 1989 riot in Huntingdon Prison.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself...and of course the boogieman.

I started my own zine, and riot grrrl became a huge part of my identity.

Wherever St. Paul went, there was a riot. Wherever I go, they serve tea.

Just say anything without even caring if it is true. That is how riots start.

I don't care who gets in my way... I'm just gonna come right though and riot.

No one wants to see self-destructive riots because there's no future in riots.

I like 'My So-Called Life' and the 'Riot Grrl Movement' and 'Freaks and Geeks.'

The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.

If I keep doing films like 'The Riot Club' they're going to think I'm a posh git.

I would certainly say that. I don't want to see riots. I don't want to see problems.

I'd just turned 50, weighed 285, and my doctor had read me the riot act about my health.

It can only sound one way with the Prodigy - vicious, banging and, yeah, incites a riot.

I got kicked out in grade school because I staged a riot because I wanted more library time.

Withhold a smile only when the smile can hurt someone. Otherwise, let it bloom forth in a riot.

I'm always up for a riot, but now and again, you've gotta put your feet up and enjoy the sunset.

Legislation won't necessarily start a riot. But the right song can make someone pick up a chair.

Michael Ralph brilliantly plays the street prophet, a West Indian who foreshadows the Harlem riot.

We hoped against hope that what we had been doing was enough to prevent a riot. It was not enough.

In preventing a riot and dispersing a crowd, the Crucifixion is an example of cathartic victimization.

Only in Cali where we riot not rally to live and die In L.A. we wearin Chucks not Ballies (that's right)

Starting at 16 in Australia at Riot City Wrestling, I learned a lot about myself and wrestling in general.

For me, a good comedy town is filled with people on the verge of a riot. They need something to relieve the tension.

When I heard the script of 'Loukyam,' I was laughing, as it was such a laugh riot. So all this made me sign the film.

At one of the live events somebody had a sign that said 'If Eva Marie Is Here We Riot.' I thought that was pretty cool.

The Skynyrds and I go back to the '70s and the days and nights at the Hyatt House on Sunset in L.A., aka the Riot House.

It seems as if an age of genius must be succeeded by an age of endeavour; riot and extravagance by cleanliness and hard work.

Again and again, when Westerners are perceived as denigrating Muhammad, the Koran, or Islam, Islamists demonstrate, riot or kill.

You can't just lecture the poor that they shouldn't riot or go to extremes. You have to make the means of legal redress available.

The studio are making a lot of good noises about 'Bunker Hill;' so it would be great if that goes ahead. We had a riot filming it.

I won a competition in primary school for my painting of Nottingham's Goose Fair; it was a riot of colour with glitter and sequins.

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