Rituals build brands.

Rituals are important.

Nothing in life is ritual.

I do love the idea of ritual.

Oh, yeah, I'm all about ritual.

One must observe the proper rites.

I have a very wonderful bath ritual.

Religion is more than rite and ritual.

Loneliness is random; solitude is ritual.

I fart. My backstage ritual is flatulence.

Ritual is necessary for us to know anything.

The preparation for the ritual is the ritual.

Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation.

I see God in a sunrise, not in repetitious ritual.

I simply decided that dope wasn't worth the ritual.

I do have rituals. I'm a fairly superstitious person.

Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored.

A family has its own rituals and its own superstitions.

The ritual of our daily lives permeate our very bodies.

Parties are the nightly ritual of the sophisticated society.

It's about time! It's supposed to be a ritual, not a marathon.

My only ritual is to just sit down and write, write every day.

ritual lulls our fear of disorder with the certainty of order.

Ritual is another word for fear, manifested in a different way.

I am in the continual process of transcending fear-based rituals

People and their rituals. They cling to things so hard sometimes.

It is my contention that ritual begins at home, in domestic magic.

Before I play a show, I put on lavender oil - it's sort of a ritual.

I really love doing yoga. My main ritual is yoga. I do A LOT of yoga

There is no ritual that enhances creativity other than just starting.

Long before I had ever seen a ritualistic service I became a Ritualist.

To seek God by rituals is to get the ritual and lose God in the process

In the end, the gesture of painting becomes almost meditative, like a ritual.

Seppuku is Japanese for ritual suicide. I thought, What a cute name for a coat.

Ritual is to the internal sciences what experiment is to the external sciences.

Chinese restaurants have long been a weekly or monthly ritual for many Americans.

For humans, gift giving is a universal ritual laden with evolutionary implications.

You have to know your triggers for stress and then have rituals for combating them.

I'm a big believer in the way ritual can put us in connection with our spirituality.

I love coffee because it's the ritual of my morning. I'm very much a morning person.

Feeding is a very important ritual for me. I don't trust people who don't like to eat.

Do nothing that is not natural - and ritual is natural - and all will be for the best.

Just the ritual of feeling the grip in my fingers and making loose swings is relaxing.

The gods had gone away, and the ritual of the religion continued senselessly, uselessly.

Ceremony and ritual are like a warm, fuzzy coat to the Brits. It feels good to put it on.

Ritual is important to us as human beings. It ties us to our traditions and our histories.

It's part of my ritual to watch a new film every day, no matter what. It's important to me.

Breastfeeding is this savage ritual that just reminds you that your body is a cafeteria now.

My morning ritual is to get up and feed the dogs, take my daughter to school, and come home.

When we do what we love, again and again, our life comes to hold the fragrance of that thing.

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