I hated the royal wedding.

I hated the royal wedding.

I'm not technically royal.

I'm not a royal family watcher.

I'm a royal pain in the behind.

There is no royal road to geometry.

The royal family don't mean nothing.

You couldn't get less royal than me.

Virtuous and fair, royal and gracious.

Teaching is the royal road to learning.

Baby steps are the royal road to skill.

I don't have a saviour or a royal family.

Sire, there is no royal road to geometry.

How’s Her Royal Bitchiness?” “Alive.” “Pity.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

There is no royal road or ready way to virtue.

I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer.

It is an honour to fight at the Royal Albert Hall.

I love the Royal Family. The Queen, she's fabulous.

I'd like to work at the Royal Court Theatre, please.

In 1995, I was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.

the Church will go on being a Royal Academy of Males.

I'm probably as royal as Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee.

The royal kingcup bold Dares not don his coat of gold.

The only royal road to elementary geometry is ingenuity.

All the rare and royal names Wormy sheepskin yet retains

The Royal family have always been great philanthropists.

It is a royal privilege to do good and be ill spoken of.

A Royal Commission is a broody hen sitting on a china egg.

People think I hate the Royal Family, but that's not true.

Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated

I really like Kansas City Royals stadium - Kauffman Stadium.

Royal Young's writing is that rare blend of irony and beauty.

There is only one royal road for the spiritual journey...Love

They are not royal. They just happen to have me as their aunt.

Winning the Royal Rumble is as big an accomplishment as anything.

To the royal guards of this realm, we are all victims in-waiting.

The royal family are protected from public accountability by law.

The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.

The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.

Economists, like royal children, are not punished for their errors.

The only traditions of the Royal Navy are rum, sodomy and the lash.

My ancestors are Rajputs from Jaipur, a lineage of the royal family.

I'm ashamed to say the first play I saw at the Royal Court was mine.

When yer in a funk, people in love are a royal pain in the patookus.

There's nothing so kingly as kindness, And nothing so royal as truth.

I grew up in a family that felt indifferent towards the royal family.

I couldn't be a royal. It's like living in a supersonic goldfish bowl.

Dancing is a tough career, but I'm glad I spent it at the Royal Ballet.

Salome's of royal blood. She knows whatever she asks she's going to get.

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