Who wants to get sacked? Not me.

Before England, I had never been sacked in my life.

So I know all about the ups and downs of football, I know that one day I will be sacked.

The last thing I'd ever want to see is another manager being sacked. I certainly don't like the phrase 'sacking season.'

When we won the title, I received gifts and cards, bottles of wine, and Champagne. When I was sacked, my house was full.

We got sacked for the first time when we were just 18 and you realise that this whole industry is transient and changeable.

When I was 14, I had a job in a cake shop. I got caught by the boss, lying down eating cake, and was sacked on my first day.

Whenever a fellow coach is sacked it is not good for any of us - it hurts. You just have to accept it because it is part of the game.

I don't like to see any coach get sacked - not Lopetegui, not the Huesca coach, not the Granada coach, and, of course, not the Barca coach.

I just didn't want to walk away from football without knowing what it meant to be a manager, or even wondering what it was like to be sacked.

When I was at Madrid, I knew even by the December of that season that I would be sacked, and if they hadn't dismissed me, I would have resigned.

I was a very bad accountant; I didn't care about money, golf or discovering fraud. After about a year I was sacked; then I went into teacher training.

Alok Verma cannot be sacked based on the Central Vigilance Commission's (CVC) report without being heard. PM Modi should not listen to bogus legal brains.

I was in New York. Hitchcock was in California. He rang me to make a report on his progress and said, I'm having trouble. I've just sacked my second screenwriter.

The pressure of the Premier League is huge but so is moving your family across the world to a club where they had sacked the manager every year for the last five.

If you've just been sacked from work, with no money coming in and a baby to feed, clothe and keep warm, it's unlikely you'll have a thousand pounds or so to spare.

When you get sacked, everybody thinks: 'He's a football manager, he'll get lots of money,' but you still get sacked, which for me is a slur on you, it degrades you.

If I got sacked because my results weren't good enough at Everton, I accept it, but getting sacked when they finish eighth, it is ridiculous. In fact, it is ludicrous.

To be honest, when a manger is sacked, for me it's also the responsibility of the players. We have to take responsibility for it - it's not only the manager and the staff.

I see managers with my own eyes walking out of jobs and then walking into jobs, getting sacked and then walking back into another job... yet we can't even get an interview.

I wish I hadn't lost it, and for the rest of my life I can never again lose my temper on TV. The BBC could have sacked me and that would have been the end of my career on TV.

Everyone should get sacked at least once. It forces you to look at yourself... It is important to have setbacks, because that is the reality of life. Perfection doesn't exist.

I always said I would never leave 'Big Brother' unless I was sacked or not wanted, so if it does go elsewhere and they want a new host then fair enough, but I'll be devastated.

I want to be a manager, it wouldn't scare me, but I also think you could be sacked in six months and you'd have to take the kids back to school with your tail between your legs.

In the end we are all sacked and it's always awful. It is as inevitable as death following life. If you are elevated there comes a day when you are demoted. Even Prime Ministers.

Newcastle was tough - the manager who'd signed me, Bobby Robson, got sacked three games into the season, so a new manager arrived, and I ended up going on loan again, to Aston Villa.

In the late 1960s, the New Classical economists saw the same weaknesses in the microfoundations of macroeconomics that have motivated me. They hated its lack of rigor. And they sacked it.

I think that if you've got 5 million people that enjoy drama and invest in characters, you must take the time to not worry about your job and getting sacked and just go for it and hit it again.

I'm fortunate: I can play as long as I want to play. There's no coach or trainer who is going to say to me that I'm dropped or sacked, it's time to move on. I can play as long as I want to play.

I was actually sacked from my first job. It was at a workshop for a short film this poet had written, about when she used to work in a strip club. After the first week, I was told not to come back.

No-deal Brexit could be Boris Johnson's biggest deception yet - worse than the Boris bus or the lies that had him sacked as a Times journalist or as a spokesman by the then Tory leader, Michael Howard.

I was sacked at Watford for a change of business plan. Anything can happen in this game. I can't say I am never surprised because there are some surprises and there are still some crazy things that happen.

The fact that these owners sacked me doesn't mean that our relationship is broken. I still get on well with Florentino, and although I haven't spoken much with Abramovich since I left Chelsea, I have no problem with him.

I think it's actually more difficult to come to a club where everything is going great and everyone is happy. When you take over from a guy who has been sacked because things weren't going well, it's more straightforward.

The biggest thing I've found since I left the game - and I'm glad I chose to leave rather than being sacked - is that so many people are in football for the wrong reasons. Not because they love the game, but because they smell money.

I was nine or 10 years old and my father was sacked on Christmas Day. He was a manager, the results had not been good, he lost a game on December 22 or 23. On Christmas Day, the telephone rang and he was sacked in the middle of our lunch.

If you watch most quarterbacks in the league, if you take more than two hitches, there's a good chance you'll be sacked. By recognizing things, it allows you to get to your fourth or fifth read on your second hitch and get the ball out of your hand.

I used to send Tony Romo texts throughout the season just to encourage him, just to wish him luck and just to tell him to get on his offensive line. I hated watching this young man get sacked as much as he did, especially when it came down to big games.

When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister no wonder the public are cynical about politics.

Some of the cases which have come to light of employers being disciplined or sacked for simply trying to talk about their faith in the workplace I find quite extraordinary. The sanitisation will lead to people of faith excluding themselves from the public space and being excluded.

I've been told by the BBC that if I make one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time, I will be sacked. And even the angel Gabriel would struggle to survive with that hanging over his head. It's inevitable that one day, someone, somewhere will say that I've offended them, and that will be that.

All my adult life, I have lived with Labour lies about tax cuts. Their cry is always the same. Tax cuts are impossible in a civilised society. They mean less revenue for the state, which means sacked teachers, unemployed doctors, fewer nurses. I am amazed anyone still takes such arrant twaddle seriously.

In management, everything is different. If you look at successful coaches, they always need time to kickstart something. Arrigo Sacchi - when he started the revolution at Milan, he was almost on the brink of being sacked, but then he won, and people started believing in the system; he had more time to breathe.

Quarterback and cornerback are two of the hardest positions to play on the field, so yeah, you're going to get beat, you're going to throw interceptions, you're going to get sacked, you're going to miss throws. Stuff like that is going to happen. That's something you've been prepping for your whole life playing the position.

I've said jokes where I thought people might get up and hit me for this. A couple of people have thought about it. But they didn't. It gives you a lot of power, because if you're on shows where people are worried about getting sacked and you're not, then you're transcendent because you say what other people would like to say.

At the end of the day, when you go on to Google everything is about the way you were sacked when you were in charge of Australia. It doesn't mention the good things I did with South Africa or the good things I did in my first year with Australia when I brought in a lot of young players and gave them opportunities and tried to build a team.

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