I love going to San Diego.

San Diego is the best city in the world.

San Diego walked away with just a scratch.

We've got the blue-collar pros here in San Diego.

It has been very special to be a San Diego Charger.

Maui reminded me of San Diego: beautiful, but crowded.

San Diego is where I really started to get my legs, musically.

Los Angeles is like San Diego's older, uglier sister that has herpes.

I'm very thankful to San Diego for the musical opportunities it gave me.

I was stationed at a marine recruit depot in San Diego from 1965 to 1967.

I was stationed at a Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego from 1965 to 1967.

Usually I'll go to San Diego to hang out with my parents if I want to unwind

The only thing happening in San Diego County is Eno and closet homosexuality.

Usually I'll go to San Diego to hang out with my parents if I want to unwind.

The past nine years in San Diego have represented such a period of questioning.

The justice systems in San Diego, Alameda, and Sacramento counties are horrible.

My mom was born in San Diego, around Vista. So we've always been California people.

I once did a flip-flop joke in San Diego, and I got booed... but it's all in good fun.

At my first amateur fight, I was seven years old. My dad took me to go fight San Diego.

I've played D&D for years. I'm a comic book guy. Comic-Con in San Diego is nerd Christmas for me.

I am blessed and honored with the opportunity I have to come play for the San Diego Chargers now.

When I'm in San Diego, it's carpools and making dinner and getting the kids to bed. It's real life.

I went to San Diego State and one of our home courses was Barona Creek. It's this open, no-tree look.

People would ask what college are you going to, and I'd say, 'San Diego State.' And they'd say, 'Why?'

I did an 'Our Town' in San Diego in the seventies with amateurs that I can tear up just thinking about.

Comic-Con is incredibly important to San Diego, but that doesn't mean we can't poke a little fun at it!

I majored in theater at San Diego State. My one eye was on football, and my other eye was on Hollywood.

To go to San Diego is everything. It's literally everything. It's the ultimate dream. It's the big one.

During grade school, we moved to a white, working-class suburb in San Diego, and there were no Mexicans.

There is no such thing as a typical season, not for the Cardinals, not for San Diego, not for Minnesota.

Well, when I was a kid, I grew up in San Diego next to the ocean. The ocean was my friend - my best friend.

My mother is a Trekkie, and we're from San Diego, so I was going to Comic-Con when I was, like, 7 years old.

San Diego was fantastic. I think there's something about San Diego that is quite different than Los Angeles.

In San Diego, I saw Keith Urban perform, and I've seen a lot of acts, and he's better than anybody I've seen.

In San Diego, our local innovation economy is a thriving industry employing thousands of highly skilled workers.

I was born in San Diego, and we moved to Los Angeles when I was seven. A couple of years later, I started acting!

My father 'Pappy' who is black, is from Galveston and Fort Worth, Texas. My mother, who is white, is from San Diego.

Growing up in San Diego, my main interests were the Beatles, Louis Armstrong, 'Star Wars,' baseball cards, and drawing.

I come to Comic-Con in San Diego because this is where those fans are - those to whom I owe the longevity of my career.

My childhood was spent in my local library in a San Diego suburb. It's where I became a writer - by 1st becoming a reader!

I grew up in San Diego with immigrant parents, before the food blogs, before this kind of celebrity chef culture we know now.

I was homeless and I was in San Diego and I started singing in a local coffee shop and people started coming to hear me sing.

I kind of enjoy just hanging back and relaxing, sort of the San Diego, Southern California vibe, whatever you want to call it.

The bridge to Coronado Island off San Diego was built because the mob had a hotel there and needed a way to get people out there.

I need to surf - surf and yoga. Whenever I'm in L.A., I go down to San Diego to surf for the weekend, and I always come back perfect.

I always loved music and was drawn to it and affected by it. But it wasn't until I got to San Diego that I started exploring music more.

I grew up in Del Mar, Calif., north of San Diego. I got my first job the summer after eighth grade at a small Internet service provider.

I never tire of the drive from Phoenix to San Diego, and it is mostly desert, obviously, but you get different varieties of desert terrain.

Growing up in San Diego, I can remember going with my brother to see bands like Pennywise and NOFX - good punk bands that were fast and tight.

I had my heart set on becoming an English teacher, but stumbled into acting after meeting a theatrical agent in my dad's restaurant in San Diego.

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