Santa was a fake.

Nobody shoots at Santa Claus.

By the way, Santa just is white.

I live in a cabin in Santa Cruz.

Jesus is Santa Claus for Adults.

The real Santa Claus is at the mall.

Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.

I'm not going to make a present of Santa.

I believed in Santa Claus until I was 12!

Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip.

I keep three hoes, But don't'call me Santa

I felt like I had just double-tapped Santa.

Please be informed, there is a Santa Claus.

Everything that you want Santa to be, he is.

It's like giving up a belief in Santa Claus.

The Santa Claus principle liquidates itself.

I was born in L.A. In Santa Monica, actually.

I joined the board of the Santa Fe Institute.

I knew there was no Santa when I was, like, 5.

All the world is happy when Santa Claus comes.

For the most part, people use God as Santa Claus.

I'm Santa Claus to these hoes without a reindeer.

Grown ups don't believe in Santa Claus. They vote.

I wore a Santa hat for a whole year in high school.

I'm the only one who still believes in Santa Claus!

I'm going to North Pole to help out Santa this year.

I don't really miss God but I sure miss Santa Claus!

I was one of the wildest Santa Clauses they ever had.

Like everyone in his right mind, I feared Santa Claus.

I have more faith in Santa Claus now than I do an exec.

Maybe Santa Claus is real. Here's the problem: reality.

What kind of Christmas present would Jesus ask Santa for?

I never saw Black Santa growing up. I would have loved to.

I feel warm and reassured," I whispered. "He's like Santa.

"Please stop," I said. "You're upsetting the black Santas."

Santa will be showing up with Rudolph the Red-Eyed Reindeer.

Santa Barbara's gorgeous. It's just a perfect little getaway.

A good many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus.

I live in Santa Cruz. I moved here in 1974 and couldn't leave.

You can't trick The Universe - it's like Santa Claus that way.

What about Santa's cookies? I suppose 'parents' eat those, too?

Not everyone who sells Christmas trees believes in Santa Claus.

Santa Claus has the right idea - visit people only once a year.

Everybody has the idea of Santa in their head and in their heart.

When I go home to Santa Cruz, I'm the same girl as when I grew up.

Work takes me away from my wife, Sue, and my life in Santa Barbara.

Being a superpower is like being a Santa Claus that everyone hates.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!

I got to play Santa, too. It's really important to play Santa, you know.

I see Santa Claus and Joseph Smith and Luke Skywalker as the same person.

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